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[C4D] Feature Requests / Take D5 Render as a model
« Last post by runx on Today at 16:51:17 »
> Take D5 Render as a model

* a much much better and larger Library / especially Vegetation > trees that look like trees do!

* AI Atmospheric Match

* AI Texture Generation ( Bump, Reflection etc )

just to name a few things

btw for roughly the same price
[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Rayswitch material and Material Override
« Last post by maru on Today at 15:54:34 »
Interesting, we will try to reproduce it ASAP.

Meanwhile, could you try a setup with a rayswitch map instead? (attached)
[Max] I need help! / Re: Flicking Lighting
« Last post by maru on Today at 15:46:44 »
How many passes are you rendering here? My thinking is that maybe the base image quality is not good enough for the denoiser to make the final result flicker-free. Does it also flicker with denoising disabled? You could also try with the Intel denoiser - it is surprisingly "stable".

If it renders without flickering when using path tracing only, that would mean that the problem is with the UHD Cache.
In a case like this, I would probably try saving the cache from a single frame and re-using that single cache for all frames (since almost nothing is moving).
If that fails, I would try with Load+Append.

You can also try switching to 4K Cache and rendering a few frames - perhaps in this case it will perform better.

Lastly, maybe there is some issue in the scene itself. For example, z-fighting or a light reflecting off something extremely shiny. You can submit a new ticket here and attach your scene:
[Max] I need help! / Re: [solved] Time limit Glitching
« Last post by maru on Today at 15:27:26 »
Awesome, thanks for confirming!
[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Re: Direct visibility override broken?
« Last post by mlon on Today at 15:18:25 »
Ok, my bad.
Somehow i had a glass plane in front of the camera and so it didnt show.
In that case, @maou42 please submit a new support ticket at
[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Identified 2 crashes. Can you reproduce?
« Last post by Avi on Today at 14:40:14 »

I am using the latest daily.

-Adjusting the colour of an element in the lightmix (the "white box" leads to a crash.
-In the compact material editor, clearing/ deleting a multimaterial leads to a crash (this have been going on for several months, not just the latest build).

Can anyone reproduce those?


I tried to repro this but it didnt crash for me. I tested it on Corona 11 HF 2 and Corona 12 Latest DB.

Is the issue specific to a scene or you can repro the crash on a empty 3ds max scene as well?
We will try to reproduce both issues, but as Romullus said, it would be great if you could provide a minidump and/or a scene. Thanks!
[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Identified 2 crashes. Can you reproduce?
« Last post by romullus on Today at 14:00:43 »

please read this article and provide minidump and/or scene if possible.
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