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[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: cxr-batch rendering
« Last post by bnji on Today at 05:02:25 »
Hello there @runx,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
We will investigate this further.

For the Corona team:
(Report ID=CC4D-868)
[Max] General Discussion / Re: State Sets
« Last post by CharlyRT on Today at 03:10:52 »
Thanks Marcin I already responded to the email
I couldnt use the link provided in the email, there was an error, also searching the ticked didnt work.

What I must say is that I have tested this in the last Corona 13 Daily build and it seems that its been fixed
[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: surface scattering density pattern
« Last post by frv on Today at 02:36:11 »
Tx Tom,
the presets are actually very well done and cover a lot of typical vegetation patterns. I used to go for a C4D noise pattern but those are not that well suited for vegetation.

I see using a density pattern greys out other settings.  I did notice on smaller surfaces the patterns are somewhat easier to get right than on larger surfaces. I will experiment a little more. I use mostly cubic mappings or set a UV to fit the geometry.
[Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Re: Corona to GLB
« Last post by James Vella on Yesterday at 17:19:24 »
great work, thanks again!

you're welcome alexyork
[Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Re: Corona to GLB
« Last post by alexyork on Yesterday at 15:29:10 »
great work, thanks again!

We have logged this as a bug report in our system to be further reviewed by our devs. We will let you know when there are any updates on this.

(Report ID=CMAX-1369)
[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: surface scattering density pattern
« Last post by TomG on Yesterday at 14:40:07 »
The presets are new, though you could always have added your own map to control the distribution in previous releases. It's "Distribution" in .
thanks that was exactly it !!!
[C4D] Daily Builds / surface scattering density pattern
« Last post by frv on Yesterday at 13:58:39 »
Just saw this, is this new in 13 ?   I like it a lot, works great with vegetation and very easy to set as well.
Could not find any info on it in the manual. Is there any way to set some parameters? like amount and how these density patterns are related to the base scatter object.
[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: corona vrscene at chaos cloud rendering?
« Last post by TomG on Yesterday at 13:15:57 »
The .vrscene is set up for Vantage and not set up for V-Ray (and so, not set up for the Cloud). I'd say it's unlikely to work at all well. I've never tried loading one of our vrscenes into Max with V-Ray for instance, since it is just not an intended use, but I have serious doubts on how well it would work :)
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