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[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« Last post by Tom on Today at 02:15:02 »
As mentioned above, this is a perfect task for RailClone. All you have to do is modelling few slightly different stone elements, say around 10 to avoid any repetition, and spread them with RailClone. I know RC is not free but it's an amazing tool:

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« Last post by Tom on Today at 02:11:12 »
Thanks Maru for the video, the UVW Xform modifier is pretty handy.
[Max] I need help! / Re: How do I .. In chaos scatter
« Last post by romullus on Yesterday at 23:56:23 »
1. In spline mode Chaos scatter distributes objects on spline, not on surface. If you want that scattered objects would also follow elevation of some surface, you need to conform guide spline to that surface first.

2. You can create simple box and assign empty Corona rayswitch material to it. The scatter will treat the box like regular object, but it won't be visible in render.
[Max] I need help! / How do I .. In chaos scatter
« Last post by MetricaVisuals on Yesterday at 23:16:32 »
Hi, im trying to do some simple scatter using chaos scatter.

1. First when i make an spline scatter, where can i specify a surface for it to stick to??
2. How can i scatter an empty object ? In forest i just create an empty object and that way i can have an scatter that has some gaps, like its not filling all the spaces (its really handy, trust me...)
In corona scatter if i create a box and turn it not renderable the scatter will render it... If i create a dummy it will not work..

Thx in advance !
[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« Last post by maru on Yesterday at 17:39:03 »
ok, it could work, but I noticed that on the edges of the roof it would leave a void in the pattern...also I can't rotate, move, scale or overlap the tiles. 
Instead another system to have more control and be able to place more types of stones (being very random even if similar) and above all to be able to cut without leaving holes on the edges?

You can get rid of any seams and tearing and you can apply transformations to your tiles by adjusting the base object's UVW mapping. For example you can add a UVW Map modifier or UVW Xform modifier:

By the way, there are some premade patterns in Cosmos, like the one in my video. You will find them under 3D Models > Enmesh-Pattern
[C4D] I need help! / Re: Multishader multipass masks?
« Last post by bnji on Yesterday at 17:21:16 »
Hello there,

I'm sorry you had to deal with this. There's a nice solution for this...
If you're using a "Multishader", you can use the same shader for the Multipass to get a "Mask" according to the shader colors.
If you're only using 3 colors for the Multishader, you can copy the Multishader from your material, then use a "Texmap" in the Multipass window and paste it right there; last thing, set the Multishader colors to use R, G, and B colors respectively, this way you can get an RGB mask.
If you prefer, you can use several/different "Texmap" elements in the Multipass window, copy/paste the Multishader, and set colors to use B&W but only one at a time; I mean, If you're using 4 colors for the Multishader, you can set the first color from the first copy of the Multishader to white, and the rest set them to black color; then, use a new "texmap" Multipass and paste the same Multishader, but this time, set the second color to white, and the rest to black.
I know this is not perfect, but it will provide you with a solution that works.
I'm including the sample file (using your previously submitted file) to illustrate this.
Quick note: Don't forget to enable the "Ignore background" option for the "Texmap" Multipass.
I hope this helps.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Have an amazing day/weekend.
[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Please add more bake elements
« Last post by brr on Yesterday at 16:50:08 »
Hello, we understand that texture baking is critical for some users, but unfortunately we need to prioritize many other features higher because they are more commonly requested and generally more in-line with the usual Corona use cases.

We have multiple tasks/feature requests related to texture baking logged in our internal trackers. If you have some specific request (e.g. specific render elements), please list them here and we will make sure to update those internal tasks.

Hello Maru,

Thank you for the clarification. We understand that the feature requests must be prioritized, and some of them are not as commonly requested as others. In our case, we have 10 premium licenses, and all of us struggle from time to time when some baking work needs to be done. So if it is possible, please add +9 user requests internally to this feature. :)

At least the roughness bake element will help us a lot to perform shader simplifications with less stress.

Best regards

[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« Last post by dj_buckley on Yesterday at 16:00:08 »
ok, it could work, but I noticed that on the edges of the roof it would leave a void in the pattern...also I can't rotate, move, scale or overlap the tiles. 
Instead another system to have more control and be able to place more types of stones (being very random even if similar) and above all to be able to cut without leaving holes on the edges?

Have you looked at Railclone?
Gallery / Re: Interior warm Loft - CGI
« Last post by Romuald on Yesterday at 15:56:07 »
This is the new Bioethanol by Focus: Air of Freedom.
Hanging the fireplace on a mezzanine was one of their requests to show that there is no longer a need for ventilation.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Stone roof
« Last post by Drago991 on Yesterday at 15:55:46 »
ok, it could work, but I noticed that on the edges of the roof it would leave a void in the pattern...also I can't rotate, move, scale or overlap the tiles. 
Instead another system to have more control and be able to place more types of stones (being very random even if similar) and above all to be able to cut without leaving holes on the edges?
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