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[Max] I need help! / Re: IR Best Practice
« Last post by fatherrain on Today at 20:41:09 »
What is your processor?
First of all, Happy new year,

Can we expect, this year,  a happy news for the Archicad Side : )
[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« Last post by Naxos on Today at 15:20:51 »
@Naxos - have you tried the Hotfix 1? It's different than the daily build. There are some fixes in it specifically for these kinds of problems.

Problem is that my newest max files will not open if they are set to corona 13 and i have corona 12, will they ?
[Max] I need help! / Re: How to do this with corona tile
« Last post by Aram Avetisyan on Today at 13:27:00 »
It is of course possible, but it involves non trivial mapping and texturing, not something controlled with a single parameter.
Oh, i have no doubts that Qt rewrite would significantly improve responsiveness. What i wanted to say, is that i don't think that users' voting have big impact on your decision wether to implement certain feature or not.

Voting in AHA currently has the biggest possible impact from user side for a feature request.
[C4D] I need help! / Re: More fireflies in video render
« Last post by BigAl3D on Today at 00:39:13 »
I'd focus on the materials in that area rather than denoising, but I'm no doctor. Maybe duplicate your camera, move it close to that box, and render with that closeup just to see better.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« Last post by Quest on Today at 00:14:39 »
For those who have problems, can you write the exact model of the ram?

G.Skill 96 GB (2x48GB) DDR5 5200 MHz Ripjaws S5 Matte (F5-5200J4040A48GX2-RS5K)

Our RAMs are different. So the problem is not related to RAM. Could there be a problem with some processors in the 9950x processor family? As far as I understand, this is not a problem with all 9950x processors.

Well look) all PC with different RAM, AIO, MB. 1 with 5950+24h2 and 3 with Ryzen 9950X + 24h2 my AVG temps 75-80 with OC mode. (also latest bios)

But there still few minor difference...
1st PC have zero problems with Corona 12.1 and it have windows 24h2 10.0.26100.1742 and EXPO off.
2nd PC with 24h2 10.0.26100.2894 and Corona 12.1 have no stuttering but if turn on EXPO its starts, also it start frezz with Corona 12.1.1 no metter EXPO on or off.
3rd PC with 24h2 10.0.26100.2314 and Corona 12.1 have stuttering even if EXPO off, and same with Corona 12.1.1
4th PC Ryzen 5950Х with 24h2 10.0.26100.2314 and Corona 12.1  have no stuttering with EXPO on.

Also after Corona 12.0 scene parsing in 12.1 take about 30 sec befor was 10-15 sec (I guess of scene state, have to test more)
In general interactive and production render worse then was on Widndows 23h2 and Corona 12.0 (memory leak, frezzes, longer parsing)

General CG Discussion / Re: icon 3dsmax 2022
« Last post by Gianfilippo Baio on Yesterday at 22:16:39 »
Hi,it boothers me too. have you found a solution?
It was something with maxthumbnail.dll, but I don’t remember what I did anymore ;(
Gallery / Re: Elegance Restaurant
« Last post by Mohammadreza Mohseni on Yesterday at 22:12:49 »
Great one, beautiful design, and great rendering result.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Interactive rendering slows down.
« Last post by Naxos on Yesterday at 21:51:25 »
It has been working like a charm with 9950X since it's came out... Just the day after win11 24H2 upgrade it began to freeze...
Maybe not related, but very suspicious...
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