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[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« Last post by Erich on Today at 19:12:14 »
No worries man, i didn't take your message as critique. I realize that my previous message probably sounded too defensive, but that wasn't my intention at all. I just wanted to explain reasons behind my setup and make it clear that my way of doing it is not the only correct method. If your method works for you better, then it means it si correct for you, but it never hurts to learn alternative workflows and have them in mind for situations where you might struggle with your usual setup.

Hi Romullus. I don't know that I have found a technique that I could call "my own", or that I can say comfortably "works for me", as I am still learning. But thanks. :)

Regarding tutorials, i don't think that Corona struggles in that regard, there are tons and tons of learning material out there, you just need to be able to distinguish more serious stuff from usual fluff. Most of what's been discussed in this topic has little to do with Corona anyway, but is more broad knowledge of 3ds Max and 3D in general. Learning material about this is widely available in all shapes and forms. Albeit it's not necessary directly connected with Corona, but it shouldn't be hard to translate the concepts between different renderers.

In my opinion, many of the issues I have faced, both in regards to this issue and others, has been in figuring out how and when to use the various specific maps that Corona offers in a way that will give me the final results I am looking for in my product renders. I have looked far and wide for tutorials that explain using Corona render for this purpose and have yet to come up with many at all. Almost all of the Corona render tutorials I have seen are to do with Archvis. There are some basic tutorials that try to explain some of the individual materials, nodes, etc., but with no real application for product rendering. If you know of some that you can recommend, I would be very appreciative if you could let me know.

As for the manual, it does try to explain the technical details, but I have found that the explanations are more technical in nature and many of the examples provided are directed to those in Archvis. There are very few examples, if any, on how to use Corona for product rendering. But I know Corona was never really intended for that use case, even though I am sure there are people using it for product rendering.

Thanks again for all your help. It is very much appreciated. :)
[Max] Feature Requests / Masks for Decals
« Last post by Image Complete on Today at 16:24:01 »

I would like to have the ability to create a Monochrome or RGB mask from Decals in the future. The ID Mask is basically unusable when it comes to color selection in Photoshop.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Translucency on Mult-Pass Masks
« Last post by wardy_mk on Today at 16:09:38 »
oh here you go, weird, it was definitely on there...>!
« Last post by ismailammar on Today at 15:48:56 »
Good eyes :D .. I rendered the fence\wall and the car was hidden I just forgot it. then I added it on photoshop as a layer.
[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Sun getting detached from target
« Last post by Blanco on Today at 14:31:50 »
Sorry it's taken so long. I was still working with some legacy projects. I have started some fresh projects and I'm still having the same issue - sun detaches from target.
Everything worked as it should quite a long way into the project however the problem has just started again.
I will go back through the previously saved versions and see if I can see when the problem started. 
[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Last daily download issues
« Last post by Börje on Today at 14:11:10 »
I had issues in Firefox on Win 11. It gave some sort of http-error (can't remember the exact words) and wouldn't downoad.
In Chrome (also Win 11) it downloaded right away.
[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Last daily download issues
« Last post by maru on Today at 14:08:55 »
The only thing I can think of is clearing your browser cache/cookies.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Reflections on car paint
« Last post by maru on Today at 13:56:00 »
It could also be an issue with the model itself. Does it look correct if you apply a solid, non-reflective material to it?
It looks as if it had no smoothing groups. If that's the case, you can fix that by applying a "Smooth" modifier to it, then enabling the "Auto Smooth" option and cranking the Threshold value all the way up to 180.
I don't think we are aware of this issue. Please do submit a support ticket and provide basic information such as:
- Which exact version of Corona you are using?
- Which exact version of 3ds Max?
- Are you using some 3rd party plugins in your scene?
- Attach the problematic scene (or a simplified version of it)
You can do it here:
thanks Maru, I hadn't thought of the UVW Xform Modifier - I'll try this out too with this TileMap Material.

Cheers all
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