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Here is another photo of the machine
Is this the info you need?

I also think 46min (not hours) are alot. So i dont know what the problem is.

I wanted to se the stats under "scen" when render cuz the scene crashed and I wanted to know why. So i notice that all the stats was off the roof. But i dont know how to fix it.
The ground is just material, and only 18 IToo trees.
Such a simple scene should reach noise level below 5 percent noise within a few minutes. What's are the specs from your machine and what did set as rendering goal  ?
I can instantly decrease your estimated render time by 60 times - if you'd look closely, it's actually 46 minutes, not hours ;] I don't see anything out of ordinary in your scene stats. If it fits into available RAM, then you have nothing to worry about.
this is my experience 1000000%.  its 2024 and i feel like im using a pentium machine from 2002.

Update from my testing:

- Show Textures in Viewport ON/OFF = No difference (using standard ShadedViewport, no HQ)
- Materials applied to scene or existing only in material editor = No difference
- Type of material, amount of textures = Some influence?

I have very optimized Windows setup. No ControlFlowGuard, Ultra-performance mode, higher-process priority for 3dsMax, no network setup (all files local, full-path mapped. It's nothing to do with this.
I have zero plugins in 3dsMax. It's not that either.

It's Corona/Corona materials.

I can replicate ultra-slow material editor with single object and two materials in material editors. Since to me even fresh resetted scene just swapping two default Corona Material Editors are like 1-2 seconds to switch.
It's nothing to do with my Windows or PC, 3dsMax Physical material take 0.0001 second to switch. It's instant. It's just Corona material that is immensely slow.

And once I start IR, it's just catastrophe. I don't remember if it was always like this.... but I've been on big PCs (Xeons, Threadrippers) for so long that the issue might have worsened with that, or with just later Corona versions. I don't know, I have no frame of reference. But it's massively frustrating.
General CG Discussion / Re: low poly trees
« Last post by frame9 on Today at 07:34:02 »
Gosh i'm dumb!!

I checked all the materials again, and found out, that I forgot to delete the displacement map from 2 of the tree trunks.
No wonder it too so long.

Case closed.
General CG Discussion / Re: low poly trees
« Last post by frame9 on Today at 07:19:06 »
Thanks for your effort!

The problem isn't ram nor render time in my case, but the parsing time.
I have 4000 instances (7 different proxies) scattered with forest pack, and it takes 20s to start the rendering.
I now tested the same scene with an override material, and it starts in ~2s.

So you are right. It's not the geometry, but the material.

Are there any no goes for materials in such scenes?
Here is my Material btw:

I don’t understand why all the stats are through the roof when I use a few trees or whatever in Forest Pack.

I really need someone to help me out!

See photo of the stats.
about the renaming of the file extension.

I am aware of the EXR-IO plugin for Photoshop. But no need for me to make use of it. I use the Corona Image editor for post processing the rendered CXR and save the beauty pass as an EXR. I have a script for renaming the render elements I need into the EXR extension. I know about the Save All option in the Corona Image Editor, but the script I use saves me time. In Corona 11 the renamed render elements contains only the render element and after renaming to EXR, you can easily drag them into Photoshop. Attached you can find a screenshot which makes clear that with Corona 12 HF1 the saved render elements contains all passes instead of one, check the file sizes.

General CG Discussion / Re: low poly trees
« Last post by James Vella on Yesterday at 20:45:08 »
Wont make a difference if you are using instances and/or scatter.

For example ive attached 1 tree from maxtree, 128k polygons. 14gb ram

Second example 240 instances of that tree, 14gb ram.

Third example, 40,000 instances. 16gb ram (most likely due to light calculations - which would accumulate with low poly anyway)
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