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[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Cannot open the Cosmos Browser
« Last post by frv on Today at 00:37:48 »
Tx BigAl3D
Will try that Monday when back at the office.
Work in Progress/Tests / Re: dubcats secret little hideout
« Last post by busseynova on Yesterday at 22:54:13 »
Hi, wondering if you can help. I'm trying to match my frame buffer setting in After Effects, working on an EXR sequence (16bit), but the LUT (yours I beleieve, has a different effect to in the VFB. Does it need to be applied in a specific gamma curve/colour space?

Gallery / exterior render
« Last post by fadimaji on Yesterday at 21:29:02 »
exterior render 3d max2023 corona 11
Ok, so batch converting to PNG works to a certain degree... but, the process stops at 134 frames out of 176 (the sequence is actually every other frame, but that doesn't seem to affect things until this point.

Secondly this seem slightly less preferential to using multichannel EXRs, as it's going to create a lot of PNGs if I want to start using render elements in post, and possibly take up more disc space overall.

Lastly, does anyone know if it's possible to just do the tonemapping in After Effects? I'm guessing it would have to be done in a Linear sRGB colour space with 2.2 gamma transform at the end? Can't for the life of me work out how to do this in AE now, it doesn't seem possible to turn off colour managment.

General CG Discussion / Re: Custom Modular Floor Pattern
« Last post by brr on Yesterday at 12:15:58 »
I would consider Corona pattern. Requirement to use multi map complicates the task considerably, but doesn't make it impossible.

That's a good alternative! The main drawback of the Corona Pattern is that there isn’t an option, like in a proxy, to temporarily display the geometry in the viewport or even convert it to a mesh. Having a mesh is essential if the project requires export to WebGL or a real-time engine, and being able to display it in the viewport helps understand the shape and scale better. (just my 2 cent)
[C4D] I need help! / Re: Output large depending on viewport sizeRender Si
« Last post by Na0170 on Yesterday at 11:22:49 »
thank you very much, this hook has actually solved the problem! Then I really did always get it wrong. I thought that if I wanted to render with Corona, I would always use interactive rendering. I always wondered why there were endless passes and you never knew when the image was really finished. How else do I render the image?
hm hm are you using Interactive Rendering to render your images? If so then you can go under Edit -> Preferences -> Corona -> untoggle "Adjust render resolution to VFB".

That said you probably shouldn't be using Interactive Rendering to render out your final images because IR is a bit more optimized for interactivity and such so the actual fully rendered images might take a bit longer to render out.

It is entirely possible I've misunderstood you here too and so if that is the case please let me know how I got ya wrong :)
[C4D] I need help! / Output large depending on viewport sizeRender Si
« Last post by Na0170 on Yesterday at 10:49:50 »
I want an image rendering with C4D and Corona with a certain resolution. (size) Despite settings, only the size of my viewport is rendered. If I enlarge the window, the size of the image also changes. This would mean that I could only render an image that is no larger than my screen. What could be the reason for this?

would be very happy to receive help.
Making nice looking picture is quite easy these days, you just toss a bunch pre-made assets, add materials from mat libraries, enable HDRI and job done. If you want to make that same picture to look outstanding, that's where real work begins. You need to have deep understanding about materials, composition, lighting and so on. Everything that comes with years of practice and can't be easily transferred in single forum message. As with almost anything in life - the last 10% requires 90% of effort. If you're just a beginner, don't expect to create masterpiece after watching couple tutorials, just try to make each work slightly better than previous one and build your knowledge one step at the time. The quality of your work will increase with time.
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