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[C4D] I need help! / Re: Help with refraction please
« Last post by wardy_mk on Today at 16:15:28 »
Surely there's nothing wrong with a lathe?
[C4D] I need help! / Re: Help with refraction please
« Last post by davetwo on Today at 16:13:58 »
Theres nothing wrong with the material - just your modelling technique :)
If dont want to model it with proper thickness. Then use c4d's inbuilt Thicken Generator, which is made specifically for this purpose
[C4D] I need help! / Re: Help with refraction please
« Last post by wardy_mk on Today at 16:07:55 »
Hello. Well, I did think this but I've tried it with a lathe - the the same effect...!
Thanks for your guidance!

I think I got a general idea of how its going to work from your input.

I'll start with the sample test scene first and work my way up to complex scenes.

I'll surely post results soon to showcase how it looks.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Help! Miniature effect using Tilt-Shift.
« Last post by pokoy on Today at 15:30:43 »
The weburbanist link is badly formatted (I had to remove the last few digits), facebook link works now.

In Corona, there's no way to rotate the focal plane against the sensor back,  that's why Tilt/Shift won't get you this effect. But it's perfectly achievable with exaggerated DOF settings, the info I've posted above should be enough to get you started.
If your scene scale is realistic - for example if you look at an area spanning kilometers - you will have to use unrealistically low values for the f-stop value, try going below 1.0, maybe even as low as <0.1 to make sure.
And don't forget to enable 'Depth of Field', otherwise you won't see any effect.
[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene constantly crashing under interactive
« Last post by TomG on Today at 15:04:34 »
TY for creating the ticket and sending in the scene there - that will be the place where the magic happens :) In other words, our team will work with you through the ticket to resolve the issue, especially since we have the scene which is always the most helpful thing when it comes to crashes.
Not something that we currently track. Feel free to let us know here of course as to how often you make use of it, like you just did!

Good to hear the Phys Mat presets are doing a good job of being the base starting point for things for you, definitely what we hoped for and intended.

There's no plan at the moment to allow for the creation of your own Physical Material presets (but you know the drill with feature requests lol ;) ). There is a plan to allow custom Cosmos assets, perhaps this year (so Corona 13 for us), which if plans and intentions over on the Cosmos dev side come to pass, will mean being able to add objects, materials, etc. of your own into Cosmos. We'd have to wait and see if that happens, and what it looks like / how it works when it does :)
Just lots of stuff needing doing before a daily comes out, big blocks of code that can't be released in stages; and then in combination with the last week or so being full of statutory holidays meaning things move to next week or so. On the plus side, should then mean a lot in that next update, including the first appearance of "export to Vantage" functionality.
[C4D] I need help! / Re: Help with refraction please
« Last post by TomG on Today at 14:49:47 »
Your Boole needs "create single object" checked, else it will still be seen as two separate objects (making them appear as solid glass, not as one object with a thickness to the glass).
Thanks for your reply!

I've updated the post with the links.

P.S -- I am not looking to achieve this effect in post. That would be contradictory to what I'm trying to achieve.

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