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Topics - arqrenderz

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HI, i just want to know your experiences with the latest updates to corona, we are still on corona 11, i have seen too much problems with the last two updates, bad memory management, slower IR, problems with forest and so on, are you still on the fence to update or it is smooth sailing for production ??

Maybe the developers have some rough numbers of users on each version?? but maybe that's confidential :(

This guy knows a lot about computer graphics and its doing a hell of a job against industry juggernaut Epic to try to solve Lumen bad implementation.
If you are really technical you will love the videos.

Gallery / Philip johnson glass house
« on: 2024-11-19, 23:09:07 »
I had this one in the back of my head for a long time, we had a bit of time in the office (Metrica visuals) to make a personal project so i jumped to find information, plans, photos materials and all the props for the project, 30 hours of work and a bunch of rendering time later i had 35 views of the project, here is a selection of my favorite ones :)

PJ-glass-house-Corona-Camera001-V1-copia" border="0

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PJ-glass-house-Corona-Camera031-V1" border="0

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PJ-glass-house-Corona-Camera033-V1-copia" border="0

PJ-glass-house-Corona-Camera035-V1-copia" border="0

PJ-glass-house-Corona-Camera036-V1" border="0

Gallery / Cyber Punk / Arasaka
« on: 2024-10-01, 21:52:41 »
A small personal project recreating an image from Cyberpunk 2077

Full res image in rhe behance link
Arasaka-C" border="0

Made as an exercise in Metrica Visuals

Gallery / Gundari Hotel
« on: 2024-09-30, 20:44:37 »
This time i saw a photograph of the gundari hotel by Block 722 and photographers Ana Santl, Martha Vosdou and decided to explore them in 3d.
As always this was 3dsmax and corona render :)
Made as an exercise in Metrica Visuals
For bigger pictures visit the behance link

Cam-01-copia" border="0

Gundari-Hotel-Corona-Camera01-B-V1-copia" border="0

Gundari-Hotel-Corona-Camera015-V1-copia" border="0

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Gundari-Hotel-Corona-Camera006-V1-2a" border="0

Gundari-Hotel-Corona-Camera003-V1-copia" border="0

Gundari-Hotel-Corona-Camera004-V1-copia" border="0

Gallery / Woods cabin
« on: 2024-09-16, 21:43:46 »
A personal project developed inside Metrica Visuals in me free time
I fell in love with the architecture that was discarded in a current project designed by 5 SOLIDOS. I knew i wanted to explore it and give it the attention it deserved.
For the high rez version visit my behance page

Interior-habitacion-noche-3" border="0
interior-sala-noche-1" border="0

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PP-DDDC02-Exterior-amanecer-V2" border="0

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PP-DDDCAcceso-lateral-2-V2-copia" border="0

PP-DDDCAcceso-lateral-V2-copia" border="0

PP-DDDCCasa-frente-dia-V2" border="0

PP-DDDCCasa-frente-noche-V2" border="0

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PP-DDDCFrente-2-dia-V2" border="0

PP-DDDCFrente-dia-4-V2-copia" border="0

PP-DDDCFrente-vegetacion-V2-copia" border="0

PP-DDDCHabitacion-exterior-V2-copia" border="0

PP-DDDCInterior-comedor-1-V2" border="0

PP-DDDCInterior-habitacion-1-V1" border="0

PP-DDDCInterior-sala-5-V2" border="0

PP-DDDCInterior-sala-6-V2" border="0

PP-DDDCInterior-sala-7-V2" border="0

[Max] Feature Requests / Corona Distance only at render time
« on: 2024-06-19, 21:27:55 »
We have a very big terrain 8km * 6km, it was all working smoothly until we started to use corona distance as a mask for a corona layer material applied to the terrain, now every vertex movement is as slow as it gets. It would be a big time saver if the corona distance just be computed at render time .

We are using corona 11.2 max 24.2.1  Win 10

[Max] Feature Requests / Faster and cleaner DOF
« on: 2024-06-14, 22:22:43 »
Corona could benefit of a faster implementation of the dof, also we are missing a lot of lens effects.
Im aware of the DOF highlight solver, but right now its useless because corona denoiser is too bad compared with intel one and the noise level that would work with corona denoiser is too time consuming..

Check this out  it could be a good pairing for corona.

[Max] I need help! / [solved] 26Mb file taking ages to save
« on: 2024-03-20, 18:13:43 »
Hi, im working on a new project and suddenly it started to take a lot longer to save, i have tried sini forensics, prune scene, merging to a new file, corona cleaner.. its just simple volumes and shaders ...

Hi, im needing a tree near a facade but dont want its shadows, but im getting the bad shading bug in the facade where the shadows would be..
What can i do in these case ?
(The tree object has the cast shadows off)

Hi, im having a headache with corona caustics. After a LOT of trial and error to get decent looking caustics i started to render a test animation, to my surprise no frame gets similar caustics, so i dig deeper to finally render THE SAME frame with all methods, PT+PT UHD still, UHD animation and 4k still and animation, no matter what the frames came with different looking caustics...Im not moving the time frame or materials, but it will never look the same...

using corona 10.1 max 2023

About this Forum / Can register new user, no mail is sended
« on: 2023-07-17, 16:46:45 »
Hi, in cant create a new user for the company, I'm not receiving any confirmation email, double checked the mail address  and all..

Corona Out of core is giving us some problems, every time we open a scene made on computer A the Computer B shows missing files and the corona warning that out of core cant find the files. We narrow the issue to different languages and Different users names inside folder structure.
Is there a better way to map that corona folder for it to work on different machines ?

Hi corona developers, i want to raise a hand for a complete ram usage overview, right now i can use the Csv file that corona generates (maybe a bit easier to see, even before ram gets low ?? ) but that file just has texture ram usage, were can I see the geometry ram usage ?
Maybe a more robust file to see all the statistics ?

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