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Messages - burnin

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 103
Took it for a spin and here are my thoughts, if you wish to consider.

It's extremely slow feature (compute heavy) still leaving some noise. Takes extra attention (observation & knowledge, thinking about solution, settings...) so in cases alike I prefer Intel's OIDN to solve such issues in final render (or to composite in post), thus I'd rather see updated OIDN to last version ;)

But, may this feature become standard part of Corona, I'd prefer to see and set it in Camera (tag) under DOF.
Finally, I wonder (rhetorically), is development of such perks worth it, since there's so many other stuff to fix and make better, faster, more convenient...
... What happened with "effortless UX" principle.

Anyways, have a good weekend.

News / Re: Chaos Corona 10 Benchmark
« on: 2023-08-10, 10:30:35 »
Confirming random access.

News / Re: Chaos Corona 10 Benchmark
« on: 2023-08-09, 11:43:55 »
Same here, 'useless' unless logged in...

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: natural daylight
« on: 2023-07-23, 00:46:07 »
Do you have any reference at hand, color scheme, mood board, ...?
Anyways, you can simply use Corona's Sky & Sun (w/ Sun tag) then set time & location (+ extras) to your taste. Or just set Sun color to 'golden'/yellowish or to temperature (~<4000 K)

C4D's "Layer" shader is a bit sketchy. See, if Corona's "Mixture Shader" can be used instead.

If you are so good show me how to do exactly the same carpaint shader on the left.
It will be more efficient than words... :D
DS's one (in Citroen's marketing campaign by DLP Paris) looks somewhat artistically modified. The real one, I suspect is mimicking 'golden' beetle's metalic-like shell (science behind).

Haven't delved further in details, but just made quick example using Corona's Physical material and C4D's "Thin Film" effect with shortened bandwidth and set frequency (to my taste).

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Cinema 4d materials
« on: 2023-07-19, 16:25:11 »
Thank you for consideration.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-07-11, 10:50:18 »
This shouldn't happen.
Likely a mem. leak... (see, if same happens w/ Blender)

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Cinema 4d materials
« on: 2023-07-11, 10:43:07 »
What do you mean?
It works OoB, although not fully.
IMHO (if possible), kind of interpreter node - "Standard Material" reader node that could drive, be plugged in 'CRN_mtl' nodes, would be great.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-07-10, 10:30:15 »
... and as I gathered, RAM not used by CPU can be used by GPU... which I consider quite a smart thing.

Learner’s Corner / Re: interior lighting
« on: 2023-07-04, 15:01:52 »
There are many options... from technical to formally-aesthetic ones.
When you'll know what specifically are you after, you'll be halfway there.
Strive towards what inspires you.

But for now:
Blacks too black, too much contrast, "no life/narrative", too much noise, stale underlying composition...

Just an observation...
 I'm starting to find this being an issue connected to some sort of 'bias' - maybe part of one that can be observed in surfaces/shading when camera (eye ray) is hit at very low angles (then it tends to darken surfaces) while with GI parallel surfaces it tend to 'over-bleed' opposite ones... hmmm...

Yes, both can be 'corrected' via 'RaySwitch', but from user perspective better fine tuning (less bias) would be preferred.

That's correct.
Because Light can only have one such property/characteristic. It's essentially conflicting otherwise (and issues arise). 

'Legacy' approach - use 'Legacy material' - keep it 'simple'... It's magic. lol

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