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Messages - James Vella

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 43
I agree with you but painting over a rock texture is very easy compared to a wood texture.

Its a 2 minute demonstration, with practice it becomes easy for any situation. I agree with the above, generated woods just dont look quite right to me.

Sounds like you might need to open a support ticket with Corona in that case.

Try merging in half the scene, if that fails, merge half of that, continue until you isolate the broken/corrupt thing. Or do the opposite, merge in a quarter, save, merge in the next quarter, save until it breaks, then you know whats corrupt.

Substance painter is great for this kind of thing, you can paint out your uv seams directly on the mesh with a clone/brush stroke - which will also apply to your color,normal,rough etc textures simultaneously. I also sell models and would say the investment for that software was one of the best choices ive made.

What people have used before corona Triplanar and SP to solve it inside MAX?

Unwrap modifier.

General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 13:13:28 »
No worries, glad you pin pointed the issue.

General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 09:29:41 »
Just tested in both 2021 and 2024 works the same for me. Edit mesh as a modifier and Editable mesh (converted)

General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax invert
« on: 2024-11-27, 09:16:30 »
Works for me.

[Max] I need help! / Re: script to lunch vantage
« on: 2024-11-25, 12:57:37 »

looks like you forgot to close the second macro

The Boundary tour looks like Unreal not Vantage ?
I dont think its Unreal, theres quite a few solutions around for virtual tours.

Can you out put a real-time app with Vantage and program in functionality ? 
Not that I know of.

I assume the main reason for vantage at this point is working in real-time for animations and with on-site clients. Things like The Boundarys "Cinemagraphs" (slow pan-dolly gifs, wind blowing curtains etc). To your point sure you could use Vray GPU or Corona for this but if you have already done the work in 3dsmax and just want to see your animation in real-time then that would be pretty handy if you do lots of those things.

There is also a couple of case studies on the vantage site you can read about how those companies use it.

I have not used Vantage and I am unsure why it's such a big deal ?

Can anyone give me links to animations that are using it that have been exported from Corona ? Why would I want to pay an additional $1000 AUD to use it when I am already paying for Corona. Also does Vray not already have GPU rendering implemented ?
I am guessing its fast, but is it up to scratch in terms of quality compared to corona and vray. And why is it not its own renderer, why does it need to be exported out of max/c4d from existing render engines ?

Check out the virtual tours by The Boundary.

I guess the target base is real-time, web-site integration, fast turnaround times for animation, etc. Offline rendering for Corona/Vray has its place, commercial high quality photo-realistic images. Real-time also has its place - for other platforms such as I mentioned above. Depends on your client base I suppose, what tools you need to deliver those projects.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-11-13, 11:45:14 »
Not really, some scripts have callbacks, which means they listen for an event and then trigger on their own, this could be specific to some projects. There is also other things that could be related like a plugin or script its sourcing from somewhere else, fails then crashes, etc.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-11-13, 11:36:19 »
Wouldn't that affect my entire 3DS Max install?  For example, if I start a fresh scene it works fine again until it doesn't.  It's just that file now that crashes on Ctrl + Z

Not sure what you mean by 'affect my entire 3dsmax install'. The ENU just holds your custom settings so when you move that folder (temporarily) then 3dsmax will load as per default settings, scripts/custom key bindings, menus etc will all be reset. My point is you can just do this as a test and see if ctrl+z is crashing on those projects. If so, you know that something in your ENU is broken. You can then go ahead and delete the new ENU and put your old one back so you have all your settings again and 3dsmax will return to how it was before you did this test (you need to do this while 3dsmax is closed).

Next Steps:
This means you have isolated the issue and its certainly related to something broken in your ENU. At which point you can decide to leave it or to start over and backup your key bindings, menus etc by saving them out from the Customize > Save Custom UI (and load them back in using the same menu after starting with a fresh ENU). This will save you some time regarding your UI, however it would then be wise to install your scripts as you need them (not all at once), this way if one of those scripts is the issue you will find out which one since you can just do a few ctrl-z throughout the day until you can repeat the crash.

FYI there is no harm in having multiple copies/backups of the ENU, if you are under a deadline you can just swap back to the one you need for all your daily stuff (even though its broken) while building a fresh one. I have about 5 different ENU setups for different clients which match their setup, this way I can troubleshoot things in their environment to replicate errors they are having.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-11-12, 20:36:16 »
On the plus side I rarely make mistakes these days


Maybe backup your ENU and then delete it, open your projects that crash and see if it happens again. If so you probably have something corrupt in there. Sometimes some scripts can do some callback or something and hang/crash on undo.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Ctrl+Z (Undo) Crashing Max
« on: 2024-11-12, 11:14:01 »
- do something
- press Ctrl +Z

Have you installed any new scripts lately?

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