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Gallery / D2 cabin
« Last post by ibrahim_alameer on Yesterday at 15:22:28 »
finally i had the cahace to play with the model from D2 cabine challenge , i had fun trying different moods, i hop u like it !
project on Behance :
my instagram:

I opened your file using 3ds Max 2024.2 and Corona 11 HF 2.

For me, playback is very smooth, I dont see or notice any lag.

Please see my video attached.

« Last post by oceano_arquitetura on Yesterday at 14:09:56 »
Architecture from brazilian office Comandule Arquitetura.
Visualized from brazilian studio Oceano Arquitetura.

“Designed to be the ideal vacation home for a young couple and their family, this residence was conceived with the land as its mediator, harmoniously incorporating itself into Brazil's tropical climate.  [...] The design of the house was oriented to maximize the view of the mountains of Minas Gerais, with the intimate areas arranged to ensure privacy, while the common spaces were designed to open up to the stunning natural setting. [...] The integration between architecture and nature is accentuated by the filtering of sunlight and rain through the roof, creating evocative shadows that dialogue harmoniously with the house.” Text from the office.

It is possible that this may as well be not related with Corona Scatter itself, but 3dsmax trying to calculate something although it is hidden.
This behavior makes me feel uncomfortable starting a new project in 3ds max.

This happens from version to version. Once groups were causing stuttering playback and hiding objects was not helping regain the performance. I remember a version that solved it apparently. I presume Autodesk had disabled most refresh routines in that version. Some things weren't updating  in realtime but reflecting the result after doing something else.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Displacement map rendered jagged
« Last post by Nejc Kilar on Yesterday at 13:10:58 »
To me that looks like you might be using sub 32bit displacement maps. Can you check the bit depth on that displacement map and report back please?
sounds exciting....

@devs - can i ask something, one thing that has bothered me for years and i dont know the mechanics of what goes on behind the scenes in terms of code.  But the heavier a scene gets, the more longer it takes for parsing/IR to work.  Sometimes, on repeated IR activation's, it takes over 20 seconds or so on heavier scenes.  Now, i assume its taking longer obviously due to geometry/poly count + the increase in textures etc.... if this is the case, wouldnt it be possible to pre-load these (cache) them in so that it starts quicker?  & any NEW geometry/texture additions should be calculated from scratch and loaded into cache? again, i have no idea about code and its way out of my depth but i was just wondering if it was at all possible.

Because the thing is this.  I moved to Corona many moons ago due to its ease of use.  It got rid of the technical aspect that vray had in terms of scene setup/settings.  It just works.  However, with heavier scenes, i feel as though there is a bottleneck in terms of optimisation.  Scenes get heavy and slow, IR works poorly and we are left to our own devices to figure out how to optimise.  Scenes tend to feel 'dirty' if that at all makes any sense.  Apart from what i mentioned above and ive said this before, it would be awesome to also, in the short term, provide a dignostic tool to help us understand where teh bottle necks are.  WHY the IR is taking long - is it a 320MB TIF file?  is it loading multiple proxies or a 300,000,0000 polygon item that has turbosmooth set to show only during render (which has a iteration of 5) - a diagnostic tool is somehting that i feel can be achieved relatively easy as its jsut data, data that is currently understood by Corona - we just need it transposed to meaningful and clear text to us, the users....

anyway, hope this all makes sense.

Just lots of stuff needing doing before a daily comes out, big blocks of code that can't be released in stages; and then in combination with the last week or so being full of statutory holidays meaning things move to next week or so. On the plus side, should then mean a lot in that next update, including the first appearance of "export to Vantage" functionality.

The new error log shows you the heaviest scene items as well as the heaviest textures but possibly only if you run low on RAM. Having this as a diagnostic feature on its own would be good but i totally agree that as clients request higher res images, and we are required to put more and more detail in both geometry and textures to support the resolution we need better ways of optimising scenes. Revit models in particular seem to take an absolute age to begin rendering and ive got no idea why.
I wonder if perhaps a future feature request could be some sort of adaptivity region where we fan freeform draw a region around certain areas of a render that are noisy to place more importance. Or perhaps a noise region where a render will continue until a certain area reaches an acceptable noise level. It seems currently that the noise limit feature works on some sort of averaging?
This is good info thank you frood
[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Low cpu usage (40%)
« Last post by daysleeper1983 on Yesterday at 11:38:20 »
One option would be to upgrade to Corona 8 or 9, since 7 is an old version already. The issue may be fixed in the newer versions.

Also, make sure you have your Windows fully updated.

There is also this command, but please keep in mind it is unofficial and we cannot be responsible for any issues caused by using it:
powercfg /powerthrottling disable /path "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20XX\3dsmax.exe"

Hello, this is the only way that worked for me. i have an updated win11, corona 9  and 13th gen i9 intel processor. i tried other methods but i was only getting %50 cpu performance while rendering. now its %100. This fixed the issue for me. the problem is everytime your windows gets an update, you will probably have to go back and do it again so better to save this post somewhere on your local drive. remember to run the command prompt in administrative mode.
[Max] I need help! / Re: CPU usage drops to ~10%
« Last post by maru on Yesterday at 10:51:22 »
Hi, sorry to hear that. Can you please contact us by submitting a support ticket here and attach any scene (archived with assets) where this is happening?
Thank you.
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