[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Hidden tyFlow object perfrom simulation on render stop with Corona only
« Last post by v.p.vlasenko on Today at 00:13:02 »You did it wrong))) What's in your video is expected behavior. Selecting the hidden tyflow object will update the simulation up to the current frame - that's correct, at least that's how it works.
Check my video again:
1 - tyflow is selected from the start (I didn't deselect/select it again) - the sim happens only when Corona stops rendering, but not with Scanline and Arnold.
2 - In the end I deselected it and still it updated the sim after Corona stopped rendering.
So what's the problem with this?
I have a lot of tyflow objects in the scene with some simulations, which I baked into objects or converted to forest pack for example. Now those tyflows are hidden, I don't interact with them. Save the scene, close max, open max, working. Tyflow objects are hidden so no sim happens. Now I need to do some test render and what do I get on render end? All those tyflow start simulations one by one.
You can check it in the scene from your video, change the birth amount to 5000000, left it hidden. Save scene, then open it. Don't select tyflow. Change the frame to 50 and render with Arnold then switch render to Corona and render again, you'll see difference)
Check my video again:
1 - tyflow is selected from the start (I didn't deselect/select it again) - the sim happens only when Corona stops rendering, but not with Scanline and Arnold.
2 - In the end I deselected it and still it updated the sim after Corona stopped rendering.
So what's the problem with this?
I have a lot of tyflow objects in the scene with some simulations, which I baked into objects or converted to forest pack for example. Now those tyflows are hidden, I don't interact with them. Save the scene, close max, open max, working. Tyflow objects are hidden so no sim happens. Now I need to do some test render and what do I get on render end? All those tyflow start simulations one by one.
You can check it in the scene from your video, change the birth amount to 5000000, left it hidden. Save scene, then open it. Don't select tyflow. Change the frame to 50 and render with Arnold then switch render to Corona and render again, you'll see difference)