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You did it wrong))) What's in your video is expected behavior. Selecting the hidden tyflow object will update the simulation up to the current frame - that's correct, at least that's how it works.

Check my video again:
1 - tyflow is selected from the start (I didn't deselect/select it again) - the sim happens only when Corona stops rendering, but not with Scanline and Arnold.
2 - In the end I deselected it and still it updated the sim after Corona stopped rendering.

So what's the problem with this?
I have a lot of tyflow objects in the scene with some simulations, which I baked into objects or converted to forest pack for example. Now those tyflows are hidden, I don't interact with them. Save the scene, close max, open max, working. Tyflow objects are hidden so no sim happens. Now I need to do some test render and what do I get on render end? All those tyflow start simulations one by one.

You can check it in the scene from your video, change the birth amount to 5000000, left it hidden. Save scene, then open it. Don't select tyflow. Change the frame to 50 and render with Arnold then switch render to Corona and render again, you'll see difference)
I don't have scene, it was created just to show the problem. Just 3 cylinders.
As for specs - intel 7980xe, 128Gb, Windows 10, 3dsmax 2025 and latest daily build at the moment of bug reporting.
Hey everyone,

I was testing Corona Layered Material and noticed that the Multi/Sub-Object Material doesn’t seem to work as expected. In V-Ray Blend Material, it works just fine, but in Corona, I’m not getting the correct results.

I’ve attached some images to show what’s happening on my end—maybe I’m missing something? If there’s a workaround, I’d love to hear about it!

And if this isn’t currently supported, do you think it could be considered for a future update? It seems like a useful addition that could help a lot of users.

Looking forward to any insights or suggestions.

Jobs / Archviz Artist Available for Collaboration
« Last post by ananas on Yesterday at 21:20:25 »
Hi there,

I’m an experienced ArchViz artist with many years of creating stunning visualizations, and I’m currently looking for new collaborations!

My focus is primarily on exterior renderings and animations, but I’m equally skilled at crafting compelling interior visuals.

If you’re searching for someone who can bring your architectural or interior design concepts to life, let’s connect! I’d love to help showcase your amazing work.

Check out my portfolio:
Feel free to reach out:

Looking forward to working together!

Best regards,
[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Chaos Scatter camera clipping + batch render bug
« Last post by Avi on Yesterday at 20:54:23 »

I was able to repro this issue on my end and its now logged in our system to be further reviewed by our devs.

(Report ID=CMAX-1483)

Hi all,

Is it just me but do 360 images not represent real world scale at all, particularly interiors.  Everything seems smaller than real life.

We always render spherical (equirectangular) top-bottom 360s at 1:1 ratio (e.g. 4096x4096).

All of our scenes are real world scale and I try where possible to make sure that the minimum distance from objects is > 0.5m - but that's often impossible.

I often have cameras 0.6m > 0.7m from the ground.

Is this a limitation with the technology?

It'd help if focal lengths could be changed on 360s

Unless I'm missing something does anyone have any suggestions.

I'd be happy to send a test render if someone has a headset to try it on.



I even tried chatGPT:

This can be achieved by changing scatter's surface distribution mode from random to position (formerly known as UV mode). First make sure that the polygons on which you will scatter your objects have proper UV coordinates, then play with scatter's spacing and offset to achieve that each polygon would have only single object scattered on it and that it sits in the center of that polygon - triangles works best here, since you can easily adjust their proportions later and the objects will always stay roughly in the center.

Not sure how much you can transfer from Max to C4D, but i'm attaching screenshot, so you can at least see what i'm talking about.
[C4D] I need help! / Re: ***SOLUTION*** Chaos Cosmos Won't Load
« Last post by runx on Yesterday at 19:20:02 »
On a Mac it occurs that when updating Cosmos the process gets stuck.
But in the background the installer was downloaded and mounted as a .dmg drive.
Look for that and rerun the installer.
Hello Community

I am often dealing with the task to place 300 identical lamps throughout a building on many stories, or setting the same curtain in an apartment tower 50+ times.

So I thought it might make sense to use Corona Scatter, as I can randomize the width of a curtain etc. For now it is all about placing a specific lamp 200 times.

So I thought of generating small polygons areas (10 x 10cm) in all the places to scatter this one object onto. (On different floors, different ceiling heights etc.)

Like a fixing area. This basically works.

But how can I tell Corona Scatter to place only one object inside each single polygon ? And also that it sits exactly in the middle of this helping polygon without being shifted randomly inside ?

Basically what I want is to distribute all my lamps (same kind) each on one of the 200 fixed points.

I could also use Cloner, but this only works in a very rigid grid of objects ...

Maybe there is even a better way to deal with it ? But I thought using Corona Scatter might make a lot of sense, as I can vary the type of light etc. super easy.

Thank you for your help !

Best – Asimo

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