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Messages - James Vella

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 44
Most studios I worked in use uncommon drive letters, so everyone would map Google Drive to X:\

[Max] I need help! / Re: CoronaColor - maxscript
« on: 2025-01-30, 16:29:30 »
Here is what I got so far:

First the value is converted to sRGB, then it is clamped, and then gamma 2.2 is applied.

If it's not enough, please let me know and I will try to dig deeper.

Thanks maru! I'll take another look when I get some time.

Just curious as to what youre doing with these values James. Something script related?

Yes this is one of the components missing for the Corona to GLB script. Basically if you are using colors instead of textures it will put the color into the correct locations (including corona/vray color nodes).

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Neural rendering - Nvidia RTX
« on: 2025-01-23, 18:56:38 »
I would love to see some AI integration similar to how tydiffusion works in 3dsmax as an vfb operator, this would be awesome in cases where you can flag certain geometry like people or plants or whatever and have it built straight into the render. Keeping on topic Im sure this would be utilised well with the GPU. I tested tydiffusion for half a day it was pretty amazing

General CG Discussion / Re: Vehicle rig
« on: 2025-01-21, 19:35:42 »
The last time I did something like this was 8 years ago, I remember something along the lines of having a normalised spline, reset xform, then controlling the speed through the curves of the road with the plugin so that everything else is 'linear'. Less variables meant the plugin could do its job properly. The job didnt require detail down to the caliper level but I remember doing quite a few tests to get to that point.

General CG Discussion / Re: Vehicle rig
« on: 2025-01-21, 19:13:21 »
I've had to rebuild splines a few times till I get a smooth animation, no sensible reason why either. It just decided to work or it doesn't.

Out of curiosity, did you normalise the spline?

I used topaz in the past, was actually pretty impressive.

You dont need to learn blender, you can just click file>import and then click the UV tab at the top, would be a fast way to just rule it out.

I have exported glb's that use color instead of texture that work just fine but probably not in the same use case as you. The video in my first post on this thread you see me do it with glass and metal objects.

If you want just upload your 2 test glb's I can take a look.

Did you try import into blender and check the uv's. I see in your second image no id's for texture (since there are none).

Also, what happens when you assign a default gltf material and export (with no textures)?

I think the uv mapping is being lost in the export. Is this possible?

I dont think so, difficult to tell without seeing the process myself however you can double check the uv's by importing the glb into blender.

What I assume is happening is something along the lines of - without textures the id's are blank. One of the requirements for glb files is basecolor,metal,ao,normal,rough textures (or ORM packed textures). So I assume if those are missing that channel will become 'blank' (instead of unassigned). Just a theory without seeing your workflow or how your js environment imports the data.

Attached an example of missing base color on a glb (when checked in windows 3d viewer)

General CG Discussion / Re: Viewing/editing HDRI files
« on: 2024-12-19, 12:07:47 »
Yep. We used it at my last studio for exr/hdr files. I havent used it since but I did like it.

General CG Discussion / Re: Viewing/editing HDRI files
« on: 2024-12-19, 11:57:25 »
Have you tried chaos player?

General CG Discussion / Re: Viewing/editing HDRI files
« on: 2024-12-19, 10:07:40 »
Ah you want to adjust the exposure on the fly?

General CG Discussion / Re: Viewing/editing HDRI files
« on: 2024-12-18, 18:55:30 »
For viewing all images I use imageglass. Opensource, great color picker and image viewer all round.

I dont edit hdri cant offer anything there. I still use photoshop/natron for high bit files, natron more for photoshop automation (similar to nuke but free).

Off-Topic / Re: Clients and AI
« on: 2024-12-10, 15:15:42 »
The only 'silver bullet' I can think of is your experience/knowledge on the topic. You obviously are using AI in your work currently where its beneficial (touch-ups/people). So personally I would suggest to Jay that it would be beneficial if he has some specific AI tools that he knows of that does this sorcery. That way you can spend some R&D time to see its just hype or could actually cut costs/time. Its a 2 way street in my opinion.

I agree with you but painting over a rock texture is very easy compared to a wood texture.

Its a 2 minute demonstration, with practice it becomes easy for any situation. I agree with the above, generated woods just dont look quite right to me.

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