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Messages - cecofuli

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 106
In my eBook  (free) I explain how to obtain similar result with Corona Renderer =)

Corona Renderer 7 update: the eBook
Hello Coronafriends!

We are pleased to announce the release of the digital update for Corona Renderer 7 of our book:

Corona Renderer - THE COMPLETE GUIDE

The upgrade is FREE for customers of the printed version!

This eBook is the natural evolution of the Corona Renderer: THE COMPLETE GUIDE manual,
in which we have analyzed all the new tools introduced with Corona Renderer 7 in a precise and accurate way.
The 100-page file comes with an handy bookmark for faster navigation.

In addition, we have produced 4 new .max files, new shaders, and 4 HD animations.


Customers of the printed guide can download the update for free:
"buy" the eBook with the account and email used for the physical book purchase,
typing the COUPON "free_corona_renderer_7_update" in the checkout page of our e-commerce.



Follow us on our Facebook group to stay updated!
Thanks to your contribution the group can grow more and more.  😎


@francescolegrenzi 2021 - All rights reserved


Hello friends,

I would like to show you the Italian translation with a new graphic layout of the official Corona Renderer blog pages related to Corona Renderer 7 and the new Corona Physical Material.

I think that Spanish friends who do not speak English well can benefit from the Italian version when translated with an automatic translator.

English version is also available.

Enjoy the reading 😊




Why not to use temporary the 3ds max "2D Pan Zoom mode" tool when you render IR in viewport?

Hello Yankee,

no, only the hard copy version is available =)



You can find the Material Library button on the Corona Renderer Official toolbar and in the TAB Renderer called "SCENE", in the "General Settings" rollout (^_^)

➡️ ➡️ ➡️  Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE  ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️



After four years of hard work, I am very proud to show you my second book 🥳.
"Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE" is the world’s first technical manual for Corona Renderer.
It's a volume created after more than twenty years of professional career in the 3D field, after six years of using Corona Renderer, and a close collaboration with Chaos Czech a.s..
Thank you so much to Corona Team for your support over the past years!


We are very close...


Simple way: delete 3dsmax.ini and you will reset 3ds Max to the default state (do backup first)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: infinity mirror error?
« on: 2020-10-06, 15:36:44 »
I thin he didn't like to see so many mirrors =)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: infinity mirror error?
« on: 2020-10-05, 12:36:31 »
Hello renderbox,

this is correct. Since Corona is a physics based engine, as in real life, if you put two mirrors facing each other, this is what happens =)

The "solution" is to change camera angle.


I hope you will like it (^__^)


I am proud to announce the release of the book --- Corona - THE COMPLETE GUIDE--- .
The writing took four years and it would never have been possible without the Corona team support.




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