
3 features you want the most:

Tiles map
29 (5.6%)
Further imrpovements to Corona Image Editor
7 (1.4%)
Significantly faster DOF (Depth of Field) rendering
28 (5.4%)
Sketch/Toon/Stylized shader
35 (6.8%)
Dedicated CarPaint Shader
7 (1.4%)
Dedicated fabrics shader
29 (5.6%)
Lightmix extended to materials, textures, ...
34 (6.6%)
Interactive rendering in 3ds max viewport (with gizmos, object selection, manipulation, ...)
21 (4.1%)
Rendering memory usage improvements
18 (3.5%)
Speed of rendering improvements
48 (9.3%)
Speed of interactive rendering improvements specifically
35 (6.8%)
GPU/Hybrid rendering
98 (19%)
Stability improvements (bug fixes)
14 (2.7%)
Improvements to caustics
24 (4.6%)
Thin film/coating shader
6 (1.2%)
Parsing performance optimization (e.g. for animations)
42 (8.1%)
New and better frame buffer (docked and floating)
25 (4.8%)
Further improvements to Chaos Scatter
17 (3.3%)

Total Members Voted: 197

Author Topic: The most wanted feature?  (Read 635903 times)

2023-10-18, 10:59:33
Reply #1125


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Hello. Just to add a wanted simple feature. Please make de Frame Buffer more resizable as possible. There is a minimum limit of resize. It would be great to get smaller than it is. There are people u still use small screen monitors at FHD.

2023-10-21, 14:37:42
Reply #1126

Ar. Christian

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Chaos Vantage plsssssss.

2023-10-21, 18:36:41
Reply #1127


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2023-10-31, 14:00:10
Reply #1128


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Also agree direct support from Corona scene to Vantage is a must, please please.

2023-10-31, 14:25:49
Reply #1129


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A Corona to Vantage or similar would be extremely powerful and useful !

2023-11-01, 17:31:38
Reply #1130


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Might sound silly but a way to lock the Frame buffer (specify resolution) for when using interactive rendering, sometimes its useful to be able to interactively render at the resolution you're going to render out of but also its somewhat tedious when moving the VFB and it adjusts its size and restarts to the process all over again. 

2023-11-06, 06:47:56
Reply #1131


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I remember that someone seem to have already asked in this thread, but I can’t find if the request was logged


It would be very nice to get a blend-shader, I’m now doing more and more exteriors and fitting individual assets into the environment can be very time-consuming.

Now, we can do this by using CoronaDistance, but if you want to do so - you need to create a Layered mtl each time for each object, that you want to organically fit into the environment. If a more complex material is applied to the ground, which already contains Layered mtls, the shader tree turns into a mess. Plus we can't get proper normal blending, CoronaRoundEdges Map doesn't work well in this case.

It would be convenient if, right in the “advanced options” section, each material had a checkbox that would enable mixing with environmental materials, without the need to change the material tree and add objects manually to CoronaDistance.

- this section could have a numeric distance/radius parameter;
- a map slot similar to the "Distance scale" slot in the Corona Distance map (there we could insert a height map from an object that we embed in the environment or some noise map);
- a checkbox for mixing normals, which will either use a separate radius or take it from the main distance parameter.
- texture coordinates can be projected directly from the parent (ground) object.

P.S. This will undoubtedly complicate the structure of CoronaPhysicalMtl, especially for the newcomers.
And in general I am not a supporter of the approach of a universal all-in-one shader for all use cases. So I would prefer to have an additional map (or a reworked corona distance map with the second "mode") that would contain all these parameters and would connect to a special map slot in corona physical mtl, if necessary.

2023-11-06, 09:49:25
Reply #1132


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You can use Corona AO instead of distance. I sometimes use this technique and it really improves object blending. I wouldn't say it's very time consuming or difficult to setup, but if it could be made more automatic, i'm all for that.
I'm not Corona Team member. Everything i say, is my personal opinion only.
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2023-11-06, 13:18:14
Reply #1133


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Yeah Normal Blending would be very nice. I've noticed with advent of high-res assets and real-time displacement, even Quixel/Unreal guys no longer use it much but it's such a nice thing to have in many other situations.
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2023-11-07, 14:38:09
Reply #1134


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+1000 for this approach, One other thing that im missing is a BUMP Material just like Vray Bump material (NOT shader) in order to be able to better blend objects with its surroundings.

I remember that someone seem to have already asked in this thread, but I can’t find if the request was logged


It would be very nice to get a blend-shader, I’m now doing more and more exteriors and fitting individual assets into the environment can be very time-consuming.

Now, we can do this by using CoronaDistance, but if you want to do so - you need to create a Layered mtl each time for each object, that you want to organically fit into the environment. If a more complex material is applied to the ground, which already contains Layered mtls, the shader tree turns into a mess. Plus we can't get proper normal blending, CoronaRoundEdges Map doesn't work well in this case.

It would be convenient if, right in the “advanced options” section, each material had a checkbox that would enable mixing with environmental materials, without the need to change the material tree and add objects manually to CoronaDistance.

- this section could have a numeric distance/radius parameter;
- a map slot similar to the "Distance scale" slot in the Corona Distance map (there we could insert a height map from an object that we embed in the environment or some noise map);
- a checkbox for mixing normals, which will either use a separate radius or take it from the main distance parameter.
- texture coordinates can be projected directly from the parent (ground) object.

P.S. This will undoubtedly complicate the structure of CoronaPhysicalMtl, especially for the newcomers.
And in general I am not a supporter of the approach of a universal all-in-one shader for all use cases. So I would prefer to have an additional map (or a reworked corona distance map with the second "mode") that would contain all these parameters and would connect to a special map slot in corona physical mtl, if necessary.

2023-11-16, 16:15:52
Reply #1135


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I remember that someone seem to have already asked in this thread, but I can’t find if the request was logged


It would be very nice to get a blend-shader, I’m now doing more and more exteriors and fitting individual assets into the environment can be very time-consuming.

Now, we can do this by using CoronaDistance, but if you want to do so - you need to create a Layered mtl each time for each object, that you want to organically fit into the environment. If a more complex material is applied to the ground, which already contains Layered mtls, the shader tree turns into a mess. Plus we can't get proper normal blending, CoronaRoundEdges Map doesn't work well in this case.

It would be convenient if, right in the “advanced options” section, each material had a checkbox that would enable mixing with environmental materials, without the need to change the material tree and add objects manually to CoronaDistance.

- this section could have a numeric distance/radius parameter;
- a map slot similar to the "Distance scale" slot in the Corona Distance map (there we could insert a height map from an object that we embed in the environment or some noise map);
- a checkbox for mixing normals, which will either use a separate radius or take it from the main distance parameter.
- texture coordinates can be projected directly from the parent (ground) object.

P.S. This will undoubtedly complicate the structure of CoronaPhysicalMtl, especially for the newcomers.
And in general I am not a supporter of the approach of a universal all-in-one shader for all use cases. So I would prefer to have an additional map (or a reworked corona distance map with the second "mode") that would contain all these parameters and would connect to a special map slot in corona physical mtl, if necessary.

2023-12-01, 16:22:36
Reply #1136


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Will there be corona noise maps in the future?

2023-12-02, 10:33:10
Reply #1137


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Will there be corona noise maps in the future?
Just out of interest, why do you need a proprietary noise map? It seems to me that built-in procedural maps, third-party plugins and OSL ones completely cover all possible needs. I would rather prefer to have more advanced "advanced wood" map :D, since Corona is primarily a renderer for architectural visualizations in which wood appears regularly, and the built-in map and the OSL-option have some limitations and an insufficient number of parameters.

In general, it would be good, given the ideology of the engine, to add more “narrow” features for the archvis by processing them into the “Corona-way”. They could replace some of the outdated built-ins in Max, making the workflow more convenient for regular users.
A good example of such a narrow feature are clouds in the sky model, they are not needed in general for the render engine, because they can be replaced with background, proper HDRI or vdb clouds, but having them for quick results is so convenient

2023-12-03, 12:47:52
Reply #1138

Dalton Watts

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To me, performance improvements in interactive rendering could be implemented (perhaps restricting GPU calculations to interactive rendering?). Maybe it would help to have quicker initial feedback with something like Cycles "Denoise at first sample"

Additionally, it would be nice to have improvements in VFB to make it more flexible in terms of resizing, similar to V-Ray's with features like clipping warning and such.

2024-02-20, 14:07:15
Reply #1139


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Hi, all the last corona releases had some user input from this board, is it no longer the case ?
Im sorry for Over simplify things but corona 12 dont seems that good for 6 months of development

New vfb skin (most of the code comes from vray)
scatter timm as checkbox (code comes from vray)
Curved decal (code comes from vray)
Scatter painter (code comes from vray)

We are left with corona specifics:

Unify cosmos and corona library (i guess this is mostly done by some artist re doing shaders?
Crypto by material
Material converter imporvements
Support sending scene to vantage (this is high on people minds, is just that corona is not that compatible with vray scenes and MATERIALS right now, and you guys did the blind eye to the industry trend of PBR / USD and all of that (conversion from corona mats to unreal is no existent in datasmith, USD is not even planned )

I really hope for the list to grow, i love corona for its simplicity, but the industry is moving fast, right now i feel that we are waiting 50%  of the time for the render to start, and the other working..