It's not about changing render engine but about decisions of hardware upgrade. If I buy new AS mac (and I probably will) in 2021, and there will be any render engine ready to use advanteges of the new hardware I will use it. If it will work great I won't stay at current one. Sorry, I'm tired of constantly compepe with PC Octane or RS users. My customers start asking what hardware and software I use, because they heard about great...(write any gpu renderer you want). I believe that naw AS can unleash power of the Corona Render, I love this engine. That's why I wish to Corona team will not sleep over of that transitions. In 2021 there will be not only new AS Macs but also lot of new graphics cards for PC users, for their render engines. They will be offer faster services than I. I can't afford for it. It's not the time to wait, it's time to action.