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Messages - bada77

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I have already read this, but what I did not understand if to get UHD cache to perfectly render a 5000x4000 pixel image is enough to follow the tutorial and set 1 second calculation.

I have some questions on how to set UHD cache for still image to use for renderfarm:

is it necessary to calculate it at the same resolution as the final render?

is it necessary to calculate all the limit pass set for the final render?

is there a quick setting for the UHD cache calculation?

What is the difference between "Load from file" and "Load from file + append" in rendering settings?

Thanks in advance to those who can answer me.

I manually installed the plugin folder and the files of the image editor (using the unpack file during installation), for the time being it seems to work.
Previously I had also tried to make a clean 4D R19 cinema installation and subsequently installed the plugin with the standard procedure, but the plugin folder was not written.
Now I try everything works for a few days.

Thank you

I have a problem with the installation of the Beta RC3 plugin with Cinema 4D R19. The installer seems to work correctly, I do a custom installation only for R19 (I have the R17 where I keep an old version of Corona Render), and the process ends without errors but when I go to the Cinema R19 plugin folder, there is no corona plugin. Did it happen to someone else? I use windows 10.


Ranch Computing Render Farm work with the 5 september daily build, but if you want is possible to install the last build.
Yesterday i have test some work and it work well. I render only still image for animation i don't know.

You of corona team can advise me of a renderfarm that uses Cinema4D + Crown with the latest updates and do not have output problems, with Rebusfarm i have made test and again test, but always problem, and after a first help their technicians have not replied me and i lost 80 euros (90 render points) that i have used between tests and reps , they only gave me back 5 euros of the last test. my boss asked me for render farm alternatives, you can help me. Thank you

PS: sorry again for my bad english.

Thanks for your support

render setting i default ;)

In REBUSfarm they use version 6.4 hotfix4, as I already said I have the 6.4 downloaded from the site. On my computer, the rendering engine works fine, at 200 passes the image is clean; the only idea I have is that REBUSfarm manages the image with a team-render and this probably involves errors.

In the attached image you can see how I get rendered by REBUSfarm, on the left I have the creation from the farm, right up I have a portion of it rendered however created by my computer. Both renders have a limit of 200 passes, but the left image noise is unacceptable, even REBUSfarm's support has not given me an explanation yet. The file was created with Cinema 4D R17 and Corona Render 6.4 (the latest downloadable version directly from the site to the download section, not a build); rendering settings are nothing special (with my computer in the office there are no problems).
has this happened to someone else and solved it?

Thank you in advance for those who can help me.

Great Maru! Now my AMD license work perfect! Now the info box is correct.
Thank you for the quick support!!!!!

PS:My boss say me to kiss you, and he wait to buy the final release!

I have delete all .dlls lib from root c4d and the corona folder in the plugin directory; and i have re-download the 5.1 installer from the site. But continuous to having the same problem.

No i'm not the same person, i have only write this post.
I have use the same install program (that i have download from the link in the news in the corona blog) for all my my 3 pc, but the computer with the AMD processor have this problem of license and the corona render info box is not the same that you have post. Instead license of the intel I7 computer works correctly, and the corona info box is the same that you have post.

I have a problem whit license after install the Alpha 5, i have 3 pc, one with intel I7 e two with AMD, with the intel i don't have any problem but with the AMD pc, corona say me to activate the daily build license but i don't have this. Where is the problem? Is a problem with my pc or a bug?
Please help me, an sorry form my bad english. Thanks

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