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Messages - James Vella

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Work in Progress/Tests / Re: dubcats secret little hideout
« on: 2019-02-09, 09:38:33 »
you can just download the paint swatch, open it in photoshop and it gives you the hex code. You can then plug this into corona color map. If your scene is already calibrated it will come out 1:1

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: dubcats secret little hideout
« on: 2019-02-09, 08:34:47 »
Another problem we have with the current Corona Picker is that the darkest common paint is "Jet Black" and it's 14,14,16 sRGB. Try to input these values into Corona Picker. You end up with 0,0,24 sRGB. This is a common problem when we try to sample real world values for products, the sRGB values might jump 10 sRGB.

Why not just use the hex color code if you want to match the paint in the corona color picker? Still a workaround but none the less it gives accurate results correct?

are some of your assets linked to an external hard drive?

[Max] I need help! / Re: CMasking_WireColor and Forest Pack
« on: 2019-01-24, 19:37:36 »
Cheers for the links Frood. Looks like this is up to the Corona developers.

[Max] I need help! / Re: CMasking_WireColor and Forest Pack
« on: 2019-01-24, 11:23:03 »
Agreed Frood, I dont really enjoy setting up Mask RGBs for more than a handful of objects myself, once you have cars, trees, seats, people etc it gets too taxing on RAM and my personal time + checking the masks in post. I have put up the request on the Forestpro forums.


[Max] I need help! / Re: CMasking_WireColor and Forest Pack
« on: 2019-01-24, 09:47:39 »
There is a better way then what I suggested above on the forest forums however still requires the Mask RGB setup - but atleast it doesnt over ride the material tinting.*)/forest-wire-and-masks-question/

Hardware / Re: My new PC for work
« on: 2019-01-23, 19:33:35 »
No need for anti virus these days, windows 10 has built in windows defender which kills everything else on the market in terms of protection - best thing is you barely notice its there.

In terms of system crashes etc, it should restart itself. My advice regarding updates is let the computer update itself when it needs to, if you update it manually most of the time you will get a beta update which can bork things from time to time - but you can also uninstall the latest update if its causing any issues with your software.

[Max] I need help! / Re: CMasking_WireColor and Forest Pack
« on: 2019-01-23, 18:39:04 »
I would like this too. My workaround for now is as you mentioned set the color from gradient (make them both the same), in this case yellow, then set the cmasking_id to "geometry group id" - this way each item has a separate color to select (all the spheres are purple, teapots yellow, boxes light blue). You still have to create two masks in PS one to select the wire for that forest, then another to select the sphere for example.

Its not perfect though, in case you end up with two forests overlapping that share a similar color etc. You dont get to pick those colors either which is not so fun. It also tends to change those colors group colours when it wants to

Hardware / Re: My new PC for work
« on: 2019-01-23, 14:27:24 »
Looks pretty awesome, only thing id say is that power supply is way over kill.

You can check here for what power you need:

Advise from others who have used this particular hardware is also probably required here

[Max] I need help! / Re: AO and Forest Pack
« on: 2019-01-19, 16:50:04 »
1. ensure you check the option "override background color" in the CTexmap pass and set the color to white.

2. make sure you have selected the tree object within the forest pack, not the forest object itself.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Directionality
« on: 2019-01-17, 11:24:36 »
I see what you're saying but 0.1 to 0.4 almost look identical.  In your reference, the difference between 0.1 and 0.4 in terms of the angle is huge

Well they are not really identical, like in real life it depends on (a) the size of the light and (b) the distance to the subject (wall in this case) as you can see in the render I have attached.

I'm sorry, but that still doesn't make any's not linear? If there is a reasonable explanation for this, then good... but I'm yet to hear one?

If we assume directionality of 0 = 0° rotation (aka 180° of light direction, all directions)
and directionality of 1 = 90° rotation (aka 0° of direction, parallel)

Then shouldn't we presume for every increment of 0.1 it should change by 9°? (that is to say, the limit of light direction is changed by 9° on both sides)

Therefore a light directionality of .5 = 45° (aka half), .3 = 27° etc?

I might be out of my depth here, so happy to be corrected if there is something I'm missing.

You cannot calculate each individual 0.1 by 9 Degrees as the change is exponential, for example 0.65 Directionality is 0.35 x 180 = 63 Degrees. So in your example 0.5 = 90 Degrees, and 0.3 = 126 Degrees (attached example).  Because of the nature of it being exponential you will see the greatest results between 0.5, 0.51, 0.52, 0.53 for fine tuning before you reach 0.65, try this in the interactive render to see what I mean.

Updated lighting ref image to include 1500mm from wall

It would probably be a good idea for it to be linear, not sure exactly how you would achieve this to be honest.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Directionality
« on: 2019-01-17, 10:23:36 »
This looks correct to me. From what I understand the disc light (as apposed to the spherical light) is 180 degrees, as the directionality gets closer to 1.0 you considerably closing the distance of the angles.

For example:

Directionality: 0.1 / Degrees 162
Directionality: 0.2 / Degrees 144
Directionality: 0.3 / Degrees 126
Directionality: 0.4 / Degrees 108
Directionality: 0.65 / Degrees 63

I agree with romullus, connecter is a great tool for importing objects and batching. Another great tool to quickly relink all your assets if the links are missing within the scene is Colin Senner's Bitmap Relinker. Set the directory (eg your library) and let it do the work, your files should be auto relinked within your scene and you can continue rendering etc.

General CG Discussion / Re: White balance questions
« on: 2019-01-17, 08:22:12 »
In essence in 3D if you had no environment light and simply lighting your interiors with tungsten lights at say 3200 kelvin then if you set your white balance to 3200 then your image will be calibrated to white.

In regards to photography - mainly post production, this can be easily calibrated using a color checker (like x-rite) when shooting real photography. The reason being even if you set the dial to tungsten in an internally light room it wont be perfect (usually far from it as there is many other factors such as individual cameras can see more magenta or green, the affect from the environment, lights could be different temperatures etc). Dubcat goes down the rabbit hole on this if you are interested in the details here when matching a similar profile in 3D:;all

I shoot photography with an xrite color checker so once you take the first photograph with the colour checker in atleast 20% of the camera view, you are good to shoot the rest of the shots (as long as the lighting is consistent eg. you havent moved from a bright sunny area where u calibrated into a dark internally lit room). You dont even need to set the white balance correctly after this you can just shoot away as the color checker will ensure that those colors are matched to the xrite. You also have the option then to move the white to slightly warmer or cooler based on the xrite chart but this is besides the point, you can focus on this later once you are calibrated if it interests you.

General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsmax importing Reset Xform
« on: 2018-05-21, 08:37:09 »
Try create a standard box, convert to editable poly and then select attach - select your imported model

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