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Messages - JG_monomiru

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[Max] Feature Requests / ToneMap Control for Sky-Volume
« on: 2022-09-19, 15:16:54 »
Is it possible to add a function to disable "sky volume" on images with "tone-map control" ?

Would be useful if you use  camera mapped image as background (on plane or sphere).

Yep the IOR thing is really annoying.


Not sure if that is something i never noticed, or some weird bug. If creating a corona-physical material. The Material preview is not showing the base/Diffuse layer if texture map channel is other than 1 if i use a composit map to mix various texturemaps.
All other maps like glossy or bump show correctly.
I probably didnt noticed, when i used straight the map or with legacy materials.

I'm using Max 2020 and corona 7 hotfix1

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 8 License issue
« on: 2022-06-21, 17:49:41 »
I'm also facing Issues with Corona 8 and licensing Errors.

In my case I tried to open 3dsmax 2020 with corona8 (via multiloader Batch-File - setting "Load-Path" to corona 8 plugin) on a second machine accessing Chaos_License Server.

There is a 3dsmax2020 running on my Laptop accessing the 1 Corona License i got on my Chaos-License_Server on the network. All this runs fine.

But when i open 3dsmax with corona8 as described before and try to set the render to corona on an empty scene. I get following error and crash - after hitting the options.
I know it would be better to have 2 Licenses .... but that just happend to test various reallife situation, where you might open a scene, alter things and realize you need to swith the render-engine.

Hello I still struggle to get corona uv randomizer with displacement and multiple elements to work.
It always is random offset to each map.... even though the uv-randomize settings and seeds are exactly the same

Is it still a known problem or is there something wrong on my set-up?

I'm using latest corona 7 release with max 2020.

It looks ok - if i set everything in the uv-randomize-map to "no randomize values"

not sure if this is a wanted feature...

but everytime i install a new build, all my corona-system settings get resetted.
Would be great if individual settings like "output autosave" could be kept...

maru.. all is ok, so far.

I wasn't following all recent Infos in detail - i just tried to figure out a way to work with current releases of scripts and plugin - as they not always support those changes made in corona 7 yet.
So i will work with the previous v6 corona-converter for now.

... mainly i use corona converter... if merging objects from various 3d-model sites into my scenes. when they were provided with vray material or other - and for now, when working in an environment, where some coworkers do not want to go the step to corona7 ... its best to work with legacy materials. That might change in future times...maybe

I run into issues when working with projects, where i want to keep materials in legacy "mode" as it might happen, that these objects will be rendered in corona 6 or before.
So converting materials of selected objects only converts them into physical objects... would be great to have an option to convert them into legacy instead of physical.
its a bit forced into physical, while even lots of scripts doesn't even support physical material yet.

after working with corona7 now for a while, i find it a bit odd, that you named the old/standard corona-material into CoronaLegacyMtl.
I constanlty run into errors with various scripts etc, that won't recognise coronaphysicalMtl which might became the new standard.

would prefer also for compatibility issues, that the old material would still be named without "legacy" ... as the differentiation is already done with the addition of "physical"...

also the new corona-converter is a a bit odd... as it only converts materials into the new physical-material... there seems no option converting it into the "older" least not for the seleted objects i want to convert.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: propagate reflection/refraction
« on: 2021-05-01, 06:59:19 »
It's actually quite simple...
there is a floor object (red) and a background object (green)

and boxes with glass material and set to propagate masks through refraction (blue)
max-ray-depth is standard 25.

so the propagate masks through refraction works up to 5 boxes in a row.
with 6 or more boxes you get blue noise through refraction (where theoretical should be none)
the noise increases with more boxes in a row.

If i reduce the "max-ray-depth" below 10 (with 5 boxes) the noise is gone and the refraction is solid blue ( the box which is behind the max ray-depth - so if max raydepth is set to 8, the 5th box appears solid blue, the other 4 before are propagate mask through refraction)

since standard max-ray-depth is set to 25 ... the mask-noise shouldn't appear after 5 objects/boxes

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: propagate reflection/refraction
« on: 2021-04-29, 16:46:00 »
No that makes no difference... its 25 by default. increasing it up to 100 is still showing noise after 5 elements (10 intersections)

I tried the new propagate-mask feature in z-depth. Which might help a lot in certain situations.
But its missing in Cgeometry_normals...

Is there a list in wich Renderelements, this new option is used?

[Max] Daily Builds / propagate reflection/refraction
« on: 2021-04-29, 15:29:24 »
is there a specific limit, on how much elements the "propagate masks" feature is working?
I tried the latest build of corona 7 (april 21.) and still get this behaviour, that after a few objects containing the specific material, the mask is appearing again.

Short Testing: issue appeared after 5 Elements (with 2 sides) ... so in general 10 transitions.
Is there some value in rendersettings which has an influence on this number?

Well i've tested a bit around... as i constantly had struggles when working with bercon-tiles and Bumpmap.

Realized its somehow related when working with - real-world-scale / real-world-map-size.
Tested it with that tile-scene from bormax (#16) - it worked in my scene-setup (units-cm) ... but when i set his mapping to real-worl-scale it got messy, and tiles didn't show up anymore.

So i tried a bit around with lots of errors...

finally came to an result... had to insert a corona bumpconverter-texmap into it and raise strength by 10-to 25 ... and increase bump value to 10 ... to get a similar result as plugging a bitmap directly to "bump value 1"
it gets more complicated when using corona-normal-map with a normal-bitmap from bercon-tiles ... as it works quite well with standard values... so material-bump-level1 and in coronanormal "strength - 1" at the normal map.
when adding additional bump...then you got to increase strength value by 10 and have an corona-bumpconverter-textmap with value around 10-25 before that.

when working with no real-world-map size... bercon tiles and bump works quite well.

took me years to figure out :( why its not really working... also don't mess with blur-value in coronabumconverter ... at least when its to low, its not working either again.

finally found a day to test around why it never behaved like i expected it

already posted this suggestion to bring back at least "visble in mask" option back in V7...

this was a good way to work around with 1.full rendering and 2nd.rendering with "mask not visble" (render only masks) ---- to get some speedy elemets for all postproduction work with glass materials.

The removal of "visible in Mask" option is quite a headache when working with multi-submaterials and some submaterials are glass to be invisble/visible in masks.

currently this "behaviour" is not possible with V6 and dailyV7 you can't make "glass material" invisible to zdepth/normal etc. and keep the other visible materials on a multi-submaterial object.
Only way would be to detach glass-material and turn it invisible to camera in object property modes - which is not an option in many cases - specially when working with Railclone etc.

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