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Topics - ChrisMyatt

Pages: 1 [2]

Just reading this article on proxies. I always had trouble getting them to work, but i see you need to put the texture tags from the original model on to the proxy for it to show materials! A little different to 3ds Max.

However, they mention in the last paragraph that :

"Nevertheless there’s still a big drawback when using corona proxies in cinema 4d being that the visor of Cinema 4D becomes very slow while working with proxies using any display modes of the proxies. We actually don’t know if it’s a Corona performance issue or a problem native of Cinema 4D which is not yet able to handle the proxies. We hope that Corona or Maxon developers work together to solve this inconvenience soon!"

I remember when i used 3ds Max, the huge benefit proxies had on Chunky scenes. I was just wondering if the dev's got to the bottom of this?

[C4D] I need help! / Brick Material Shader
« on: 2019-09-22, 14:01:32 »
Hi there,

I'm looking for some advice, tips on a way to produce a shader that replicates the following Reference. It is a brick that has one chiseled face. It's for a personal animation project i am looking to do, which will involve one shot of the sunlight rotating round the eliptical facade to show off this chiseled detail. Photograph by NAARO - Bishop Edward King Chapel

Therefore i need the bricks to be each unique.

i was hoping to use a selection tag to displace one face and use the variation effect to create variation in the UVW noise so that each displaced face is unique. However, it produced an undesirable result pulling the displaced face away from the rest of the brick, which makes sense.

Second try was splitting the displaced face away from the rest of the model and closing the hole. I think moved this face inside the brick so that the displacement would look as if it came from the brick. However it just seems a little messy, i feel like there could be a better way to create this.

Thanks in advance. I've attached a basic scene, with what i have so far. Feel free to play with it.

[Max] General Discussion / Vray Swarm
« on: 2017-01-25, 14:27:40 »
Up and coming for chaosgroup, looks like they are creating a swarm DR system. Here's the link :

Is there anything in the pipeline for this to be implemented in Corona. Would be great to get some weaker machines we have involved in the rendering, currently they love to bomb when they run out of ram :P.

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