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Messages - aaouviz

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I do think it might have been user error here. Saturation back to 0 does indeed fix the issue.

Not sure this is intended/proper behavior though, but it's good that I have a solution anyway.

Thanks for the reply.

Not sure if this has been reported yet or not, but see the attached image. I get this weird discoloration after denoise happens on my render. The whole scene has a basic cube with Corona Volumetric Material applied, if I hide this box, the error disappears.

Never seen this until recently. Additional info also supplied. (I know, I've got kinda crazy camera tone mapping settings applied - it's for an unusual project!)


General CG Discussion / Re: Vehicle rig
« on: 2025-01-21, 09:33:32 »
drivermaster would have been my answer, but seeing as you're not happy with this, I'm not sure there is a better solution other than tyflow (which is not recommended, btw)

If you find a good solution, please do let me know :)

So, I was plagued by the slow-down problem that so many of us experienced. I upgraded in the hopes that this was resolved. I guess, it was... BUT

Now I'm just getting a similar (and sometimes worse) sluggish experience across my whole PC. Not when rendering in IR but bigtime when opening scenes, when merging other scenes, when loading new materials into the scene. It's so slow that my music stops/lags. Much worse than previous and this only started with the latest daily.

So, 1 step forward, 2 steps back, guys. What did you do to cause this? Something went wrong...

Gallery / Re: The Architects House
« on: 2025-01-15, 11:56:07 »
Great images, love the physical model!

I've also run into difficulties in circumstances like this and have opted to just manually add splines, or simple non-renderable objects (as you suggested) as a work-around.

It's not perfect, but depending on the level of detail and accuracy you need, it's probably a good solution.

You dont need to learn blender, you can just click file>import and then click the UV tab at the top, would be a fast way to just rule it out.

I have exported glb's that use color instead of texture that work just fine but probably not in the same use case as you. The video in my first post on this thread you see me do it with glass and metal objects.

If you want just upload your 2 test glb's I can take a look.

Ah, apologies, perhaps I misrepresented the problem.

Just to confirm; The mesh imports fine, I just can't apply a baked texture map on a BasicMaterial to the model.

Thanks for the offer. I might take you up on it and upload some files shortly.

Did you try import into blender and check the uv's. I see in your second image no id's for texture (since there are none).

Also, what happens when you assign a default gltf material and export (with no textures)?

tbh I'm trying to avoid blender (I don't use it, and don't want to incorporate another software into my process).

But yes, that's what I was trying to show - it exported without UV's. The one without UV's was indeed exported with your script with a default gltf material (with no textures).

I do see that exporting from blender to gltf has the tickbox option to export UV mapping even when exporting with no materials/texturees. I guess we're just missing this from Max...

Hi James, and thanks again.

So I think I have confirmed that it is losing it's UV mapping thanks to

Attached are the reports for the export with the texture map applied...

And this is the export without the texture...

I'll keep digging, but I think this is a 3dsmax related issue.

Hi James,

Been using this a lot lately. Can't thank you enough for the script and all your recent help.

A query which I hope you might be able to shed some light on...

I'm building an interactive page for model viewing. My process is to load the model using js model loader and then apply a new material (created in the js file, with a jpg texture map applied to it) to the loaded meshes. I've got it all working fine.


If I export a mesh/model with a gltf material applied WITH a texture in the base color map and load it into my scene, all works well.

If I export a model WITHOUT a texture applied to its material the js material doesn't seem to work properly.

I think the uv mapping is being lost in the export. Is this possible?

From my tests it seems that this is not a result of your script, but a universal particularity of gltf/glb exports.

Is there a way to export a glb/gltf without any material/textures applied but still retain the uv mapping?

Apologies for the highly specific and technical question. But, as you've proven, I'm certain you're the right person to ask :)

Gallery / Re: Laurel.
« on: 2025-01-02, 14:08:52 »
Absolutely fantastic. Nice work!

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2024-12-11, 15:20:13 »
The above is definitely a bug, thanks for bringing it up.

I reproduced it and it is reported now.
The solution is to select an object which does not have CoronaPatternMod applied, and then select object with pattern. The select and move will work fine afterwards.

(Report ID=CMAX-1430)

Excellent! Thank you :)

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2024-12-11, 13:14:38 »
Not sure if this has been discussed, but it'd be really good if the viewport behavior of objects with CoronaPattern applied is different.

If I click on an object with CoronaPattern applied and press Z (or zoom) to zoom on this object I get a zoom to BOTH the object and the pattern object.

Sometimes the pattern object is 1000's of units away from the object it is applied to and I cannot properly zoom. It's very frustrating behavior.

Food for thought. Thanks.

It has been in my mind since the very first implementation of pattern.
Unfortunately it is a 3ds Max limitation (how zoom to selected works) we can do nothing about.

Thanks for the reply.


Ok, another one for you; It seems when I have an object with CoronaPattern applied I can't properly do a 'crtl' drag and copy. It makes a dupe, but it doesn't place it where I want and it inactivates the 'Select and Move' tool.

See attached. Any thoughts if this can be fixed to expected behavior?


[Max] Daily Builds / Re: CoronaPattern playground!
« on: 2024-12-10, 14:51:26 »
Not sure if this has been discussed, but it'd be really good if the viewport behavior of objects with CoronaPattern applied is different.

If I click on an object with CoronaPattern applied and press Z (or zoom) to zoom on this object I get a zoom to BOTH the object and the pattern object.

Sometimes the pattern object is 1000's of units away from the object it is applied to and I cannot properly zoom. It's very frustrating behavior.

Food for thought. Thanks.

From a very quick look, it seems like it could be from modelling errors (NaN's?) and/or smoothing group issues?

I'd rebuild those surfaces with the problems and see the result again.

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