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Messages - lupaz

Pages: 1 ... 66 67 [68] 69
[Max] I need help! / Add samples to sky/portals
« on: 2016-05-07, 00:48:03 »

Is there a way to increase the samples for the sky?
Even with sky portals it seems that it adds noise to the scene and cannot get rid of it after multiple passes. I tried in multiple scenes.
Glass is thin.


Is this reflective caustics or simply radiance?

In other words, if I have a concave reflective surface, the rays will actually focus on a point by default?

I'm not sure I understand. Are there caustics by default?
I didn't turn them on on my materials...

Thanks for the response.

This is the image:

And the detailed area:

This is the indirect lighting pass, same area:

This is the only pass with noise as far as I can tell.

I'm on default settings.
I have DOF checked, but the detailed area shown above is in the focus region.
The scene is lit only with sun and sky, using light portal material on planes placed on the openings.

I'd add more samples to the sky or the light portal material...Any way to do this?

"But better yet, find the reason for the apperently unreasonable amount of noise."

It's the chicken and the egg case. I need to render for a while to find out this type of noise. Otherwise I just think it's noise due to lack of rendering time. no?
I am used to this process of trial and error. I just was hoping there was the option of changing settings on the fly, and resuming with the saved EXR.


I've been rendering an image for many hours. The indirect light pass has lots of noise and it's not going to disappear, ever.
Is it possible to change the settings (not sure what), and resume the render to correct that noise?

FYI: The render is mostly dark, with dark textures and materials.


Is corona compatible with max 2017 or we would need to wait for a new version?

[Max] I need help! / Re: 2D cutouts
« on: 2016-04-06, 21:17:14 »
Can't you just use a plane instead of a box?

It may be a matter of taste, but I'd use exclusively down-lights and, maybe, wallwashers/bounced light.
Never lighting fixtures that send light everywhere.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-27, 15:01:43 »
Got it.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-25, 14:33:42 »
The image attached shows a basic scene, all defaults, except for glossiness at 0,99.
The light source is a corona sun with corona sky.

It seems that, with the defaults, the samples taken from reflections far away assign a white color to the pixel. Obviously the pixel is much bigger than the actual reflection and it shows as a "filefly".
Isn't there like a clamping for distance? Would rendering with more samples make this better? Other workflows?


[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-25, 14:11:25 »
There should be no render time impact at all.

Are you sure about this? So, even when there's no scattering of rays on reflection the amount of rays is the same as if there was scattering?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-24, 16:22:02 »
1) set reflection glossiness of the window frame to 0,99 - this virtually won't change the appearance of the material, and the fireflies should not appear

Indeed. they aren't appearing. Is there any way to make this the default instead of a value of 1?
Is there any impact in render time?

2) use rayswitch material for the glass sink
I just can't imagine doing this in production. Especially because I wouldn't know what object I need to put in a rayswitch material in the first place. It took me hours to find that it was the sink.

Also, you are using Vray HDRI map in this scene. It usually works, but may sometimes cause troubles.
I tried with a CoronaBitmap. I got even more fireflies.

Do you know what the exact problem is and whether there's a quick solution for the overall scene, for when time is pressing during a deadline? (the question may sound harsh, but I'm really kindly asking)

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-24, 15:20:07 »
I reduced the scene to only 4 objects.
I still get a white pixel at pass 140 or so.
Of course 1 pixel wouldn't be a problem, but with the full scene, there are a whole bunch of those fireflies.

I even removed the reflection of the glass object. It's just pure refraction now.

Find the scene here

Just click render to render the region with the spot.
The attached is the region render.

Thank you.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-23, 17:45:33 »
Hi Maru, thanks.

The rendered region is marked up in red on the top right. I photoshoped an arrow and the rectangle. see it?

If the noise is caused by an object reflecting in glass, you can place the glass material in all slots of the rayswitch except for the reflections slot

Doing the rayswitch thing seems to be a time consuming workaround for a fairly common situation, no?
In production it wouldn't make sense to go around searching for a problematic object in my opinion. Is this a bug?

[Max] I need help! / Fireflies case
« on: 2016-02-23, 15:40:38 »
Hi there.

I found that the 2 sinks made of glass were causing fireflies on several areas in the render.

Do you know why? I kind-of need those sinks made of glass...

Please see below the "before" with the glass sinks and the "after" without the sinks.


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