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Topics - Matthew86

Pages: [1]
Gallery / New Church
« on: 2024-08-08, 00:15:12 »
Hey everyone!
I wanted to share an old project with you all, from 2019 if I remember correctly. This was a project I couldn't share before because it was for a competition, but now I'm free to share it! In my "spare" time, I've revisited it to take a break from the massive project I'm currently working on and to give it a fresh update with all the experience I've gained over the years! Hope you like it!

Cinema 4D and Corona of course

Gallery / Nerd passion
« on: 2024-03-16, 00:46:02 »
Hi everybody!
A collection of works done following my passions during the always too short free time, together with a small tribute to the recently passed away master Akira Toriyama.

Cinema 4d and Corona

Gallery / Building with a view
« on: 2024-03-01, 15:54:23 »
Hi all!
A small building with a few apartments and a beautiful view of the hills of Bologna (Italy)

Cinema 4D and Corona of course!

Gallery / Lugano's Penthouse
« on: 2023-12-17, 23:45:41 »
Hello everyone!
I hope you're all doing well!
I want to share with you a recent project carried out for a Swiss interior design studio, for this penthouse on the shores of Lake Lugano. We worked on the selection of furniture and finishes, and I was responsible for creating the renderings, of course.
I hope you like them!
Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

Cinema 4D // Corona Renderer

Hi! I often find myself downloading objects, furnishings, or plants from the cosmos browser and then modifying and perfecting the existing materials. Is it possible to save these changes so that in future scenes, when reusing those same objects from the browser, I don’t have to fix the materials every time?

Gallery / Whitehall
« on: 2023-10-06, 01:48:28 »
Hello everyone!
I hope you're all doing well!
I wanted to share with you a recent project for a rear extension of a house near London, designed by the RTA (Robert Turner Associates) studio, for which I had the pleasure of creating these visuals!
I hope you like them!
Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

Cinema 4D // Corona Renderer

Good morning,
I'm experiencing this issue while using a plane with a light material applied to use as background image. As you can see from the images attached when the reflection of the sun, or the hdri aswell, is in corrispondence of the plan reflection it is converted into a shadow. I don't know if it is a known bug or if there is a solution.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Corona Proxy and slow viewport
« on: 2022-04-24, 18:35:30 »
I'm using corona 9 daily build, I've noted that if i load a corona proxy (empty) the viewport drastically slows down, if I turn off, in c4d settings, all the file assets path the viewport back to moving smoothly. This happens in an empty scene.
I'm using c4d R23, I also downloaded the trial of c4d s26 to check if it depends on c4d but the problem is the same.
I've done a video to show the problem.

Gallery / Building of the 70s
« on: 2021-10-20, 09:30:34 »
Hi all!
This is my last work, a disused building of the 70s, recovered and transformed into a residential building.
Hope you like it!

Cinema 4d | Corona renderer | Photoshop


Gallery / House GM
« on: 2021-07-20, 23:53:53 »
House GM
Master bedroom with ensuite bathroom

Cinema 4D | Corona Render | Photoshop


I'm here to report a possible bug. If I load a specular map into a uvw randomizer shader, the material is rendered in a wrong scale or mapping, as you can see from the attached images.
I have done 3 test:
1_textures loaded without randomizer;
2_all the textures loaded with uvw randomizer;
3_all the textures, except the specular map, loaded with uvw randomizer.
Does anyone else faced this problem?

Gallery / Cube House
« on: 2021-04-12, 00:02:13 »
Personal work - Thinking about California

Cinema 4D | Corona Render | Photoshop


Gallery / BMW 3 Series MSport
« on: 2021-03-29, 19:18:14 »
A funny Sunday spent doing some render!

Other works:

Have a nice week!

[C4D] I need help! / Setting Megascans materials
« on: 2021-03-02, 14:56:00 »
Hi guys!
Can I ask you a clarification about the use of megascans textures? I'm struggling to undesrtand if i have to use the textures with the embedded color profile or if I have to change it to linear.
Usually I use the maps in this order:

  • AO (multiply) + Albedo
  • Roughness (with the new phisical material of corona 7)
  • Specular map: inside the IOR slot, with a value of 1.79, with a corona color correct shader to apply the LUT Specular To Ior v2 (following the thread of Dubcat for 3dmax)
  • Normal map: inside corona normal shader

All the textures with the embedded color profile. Is it correct? What is the right setup?
Thanks for the help!!

Pages: [1]