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Messages - JoeS

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[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona 12 - VFB UI
« on: 2024-07-04, 08:08:13 »
Yeah I was wondering the same thing did they test the UI and take into account the user bases thoughts or just throw it out and see what happens. They could have added more colour grading tools and a real time histogram. And fixed up the curve tool so it's more usable.

I also agree with you on the corona12 release the additional features for Corona itself are really not worthy of a version upgrade should have just been added in a daily.


The whole price increase is an absolute slap in the face, and all of the bloatware chaos added to jam the price up is an insult. Also the quality and content of the corona updates are getting smaller and smaller.

On another note you can already get a fully cracked version of corona12. Which is bad news for people who pay since other studios quote such low prices you cannot compete.

Really now the feature rich product is vray since they will not let corona compete with it. The writing was on the wall when Chaos purchased Corona.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Price Increase
« on: 2024-01-22, 06:02:27 »
I agree with most of the statement's. Corona has grown slowly stale in terms of development since chaos purchased it, Not surprised due to vray being the flag ship engine. Most of the updates have been hand me downs from vray, and scatter is not a feature I use since I have forest pack. The added bloatware ie scans, phoenix, cosmos etc could have been left out and kept the price down. Also tiles being a major feature of release eleven is really underwhelming since I use substance designer which is way faster and more advanced for tiles, bricks anything really.

On another not I have had an absolutely terrible experience with chaos support and am still going through a major issue that has been months.

Gone are the days a Corona update was super exciting to be apart of.


[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Tiles playground
« on: 2023-12-12, 10:58:33 »
I just tested out this feature. I always use substance designer for this type of work. It's ok for really basic stuff. But for more control of the height map details, diffuse work etc and speed, substance all day. Also would be good to be able to convert the height map to a normal map so you can add fine details to keep the displacement light. Attached are some basic tests.

Would be great if the corona team spent some more time on the cloud system.


More info, 6 days later a new support member finally got back to me and chaos will not take responsibility for their mistake. They charged my credit card for a subscription I had already cancelled when I purchased a new solo Sub.


Hello Joseph,
Thank you for reaching out again!
We'd like to clarify that all our subscriptions renew automatically by default. To avoid any unexpected renewals, it is essential to disable the auto-renewal feature at least 30 days prior to the renewal date for yearly licenses.
In your case, the renewal of your license took place on the 9th of November. After you reached out to us, we made an exception and processed a refund for the renewal fee of EUR 418.80, and you should see this reflected in your account. However, please note that, unfortunately, we are unable to refund any transaction fees charged by your bank, as these are beyond our control.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to assist you.
Kind regards,

Sandra Raab
Teamlead Sales Operations


Hi Sandra

Your reply skipped over the fact that the pro subscription was cancelled on the 14th by Yoanna Blagoeva. Why was I then charged on the 21st for a pro subscription that was already cancelled ?

I have attached a screen grab of the email.

This really needs to be fixed. You cant keep denying the issue with the lost funds.


Update ! Chaos support have just stopped responding to the issue, this is really slack. I have asked to be reimbursed or credited for the losses.

Really bad customer service. 

Update ! Chaos have refunded my account BUT the issue is I was charged international fees on the transaction such as a $21 international transaction and the exchange rate change over. I asked Chaos to cover all of these cost due to the FACT that the mistake was on their end since they charged my credit card extra for NO reason. All I got back was sorry we cant pay more then the 418.80 EUR. This stink's and is THEFT and should never of happened and now chaos expects me to pay $30 to cover their mistake. Not even willing to give my account credit. Attached is a screen grab that I provided support.

GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE ! good to know customers are looked after. I have been with corona for years and as soon as the payment system changes over to CHAOS this happens.

16 hours ago
To be clear I purchased Corona Solo on the 21/11/2023 which I paid for and then I was charged an additional amount of EUR $418.80 which amounted to AUD $703.45 after exchange rates, plus it incurred AUD $21.10 international transaction fee. I did not approve the extra transaction and I am not sure how it could have been processed on your end as I did not make another purchase. But I would like the full amount of AUD $724.55 repaid and compensation in the form of credit. You have only refunded AUD $695.15 which leaves AUD $29.40 outstanding. I have attached a screen grab of these transactions as proof. Please keep in mind the issue was from your end not mine and I expect you to cover all costs and compensate for the inconvenience that chaos created.

Denitsa Georgieva

I wanted to inform you that we will be refunding the full amount of 418.80 EUR.  I apologize, but we are unable to provide a larger refund as this is the total price of the purchased product.

I was charged nearly 100 GBP more than last years renewal price. Its an absolute joke to be paying more than the cost of the DCC for a rendering package as an individual.

Yes agreed ! I switched from pro to solo since the price increased so much its insane. Its annoying they added all of the chaos bloatware and put the prices up so much.

I purchased corona solo on the 21/11/2023 then the following day chaos charged my credit card an additional EUR418.80. WTF is going on ? I have never had an issue over the years purchasing corona until it was changed over to chaos's system. Also they implemented a renew subscription option that was enabled without sending me notification prior, without even having my banking details. Then they had an automated system send me an invoice ! It took 6 days before support even got back to me to cancel it.

This is so unprofessional I decided to share this issue here and on the chaos forums.

So if you have purchased corona during the black Friday sales check your bank account.

ME to chaos support:

I purchased corona solo on the 21/11/2023 then the following day chaos charged my credit card an additional EUR418.80. WTF is going on? You have charged me for a license I did not order and its a pro version. What is going on I did not ok this transaction, this is NOT OK. I want my money back and compensation. I can see on my credit card you have charged me. This is illegal and I will be contacting my bank. I ordered a solo license yesterday and for some reason you have charged me for a pro license. Now I have to waste my time contacting you !


Supports reply after almost three days:

Hello Joseph!
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and would like to inform you that a refund has been requested for this charge. You can expect to receive it within the next few business days.
 If you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to let us know.
ME back to support :

Hi support

You have not repaid the full amount of money taken from my account I am really upset about this and have to contact you again. This is so unprofessional ! You have to adjust for the exchange rate and you need to pay my international fee for the transaction to pay me back, since it was chaos's mistake not mine. I also asked for compensation for this and you have offered nothing. This could have been avoided if support did not take over two days to get back to me. Attached is a copy of my bank account indicating the transactions and the amounts. This need to be repaid in full.

Please get this fixed ASAP.


Update ! I realised I have no payment info on my account so chaos have sent me an invoice requesting payment. What a joke! this customer service is some of the lowest I have ever encountered. No options to change to solo and no real communication. What a dumpster fire. And I have projects on, thanks for the smooth transition chaos.

Interesting I just found out about the auto renew when they debited my account. I had no idea, and then I found out the price has been increased substantially. I have not been able to use corona 10 due to a bug with forest pack. The price increase on this software is ridiculous.

Yup me to I have a 3990x while watching task manager it goes from like 7% utilisation then back to 100% and bounces around. I then turned off the caustic solver and it went back to full 100%. I am using max 2022 and windows 10.

Lol yeah very AI response !

Looking at the image prompt side of it I have seen some amazing portraits with MJ based off a basic photo. Also on the Ronen Bekerman facebook group was posted, what I think looks like a compelling introduction to this working from a white card image prompt. I have attached some images from the post and a portrait example. I think even if we where to use the AI as a starting point for a fast creative exploration before production, it really has some up sides. Plus I think this is really just the start.

Thoughts ?


Over the last 12 months I have been using and researching AI ie MJ, Dall E etc, and Archviz has been my career for the last 20 years. With the latest advancement's in AI tech, it seems to me the industry may no longer require 3D artists within the next 24 months. Revit now has AI implemented into the program at an early stage but with some amazing first steps. Also some Viz studios in Australia have started to produce renders that have a mixture of both 3D and AI. I have also recently seen multiple architects start to use AI also with amazing results. I guess what I am trying to say is I think Ai is going to change the whole game in my industry and many many more. Being able to produce images in a fraction of the time, cost and experience etc really is a game changer.

What are peoples thoughts on this ? It would be great to hear from the Chaos crew.


[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Clouds playground!
« on: 2023-02-17, 00:40:59 »
Lol a bug to fix the bug well done sir !

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