But now I need everytime a job is finished on the Master PC, close the DR Server module and start it again to make it work.
Where exactly do you need to restart the dr server? On the dr slaves only? Or do you use an (unfortunate) setup where the master has a dr server running and is included as dr slave - and you have to restart it there? Can be found anything useful in the logs?
I tried to reproduce this, because I was quite frightened by your report (I'm using BB+DR regularly and would like to do so in the future). But everything seems to work fine here. Even when using the master as DR slave simultaneously (absolutely not recommended and evil of course).
This has been the test environment:
- Loading V12 via multiloaders (not used the installer)
- Manually replaced dr server by v12 dr server on slaves (because v11.2 is installed there)
- Using dr server as windows service via nssm.exe
- Having dr nodes configured as resolved names in "IP/Hostname" column of render setup -> system
- Having "RestartMax = false" in DrConfig-1.5.txt on dr nodes
- Tried "Search LAN during render" on and off
- Versions were Max 2024, Corona V12 RC1, Backburner v2019.0.0.5
When loading the scene, it has properly configured dr settings (I dump them by default at loading time into Max log), and the master uses them accordingly. Tested jobs with single and multiple frames. If the master changes to the next job queued, dr slaves jump in as desired. I submitted the jobs to one node using backburner, while having three others configured as slaves. In case of "Search LAN" active, the slave list was empty and all slaves having dr server running were found.
Good Luck
First of all thanks for doing the tests!
No, the Master is not included as DR Server. :)
My setup is simple and logic, tha Master receives the Backburner job, it starts, and the DR Servers should start accordingly.
I never had issues lately so I was a bit frightened as well.
I'll try a clean install at this point to all the machine this weelend and I'll come back here to report.
Thanks again for your efforts,
Dionysios -