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Messages - John_Do

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For the camera to work I would uncheck all the tone map stuff in the VFB, add a photographic exposure then it should work. I would avoid any other method besides a camera change since in reality that what you would do; most likely you'd close your aperture, hence the clickless aperture ring on a lens.

disclaimer, I'm coming from vray from like last week so I might be wrong.

I'm surprised nobody have suggested this before because it works :)

Tonemapping parameters can't be animated since the stack is dynamic. I don't know if it is also the case on Max, but it would be nice to see this limitation removed (and in the meantime, keyframe buttons should be removed to avoid confusion).

General CG Discussion / Re: Have you seen Unreal Engine 5.5?
« on: 2024-10-03, 19:34:34 »
Well, certain tasks aren't well-suited for GPUs due to their technical limitations, such as a lack of precision.

Could you elaborate ? I'm curious because if some GPU render engines take more shortcuts by default, others are well able to deliver quite precise results, like Octane or Iray ( both capable of spectral rendering btw ).

General CG Discussion / Re: Have you seen Unreal Engine 5.5?
« on: 2024-10-03, 09:25:49 »
Why cant we have Corona GPU based? why can't we have a render engine that is faster?
I would love an option that says. MUCH FASTER but slightly less realistic result.

Sounds like Chaos Vantage. For sure that's one more software (and one more sub) to add to your current workflow (while UE is free) but you don't have to learn a completely new way of doing things. Even if UE delivers much more accurate results than before, sometimes it's off and requires some severe tinkering with the settings to get something similar to offline rendering, where you never have to question the result.

You can also check Omniverse, it's free and based on the same tech than Vantage. You'll see that even if the realtime RTX renderer is more accurate than a rasterizer, it's still behind an offline renderer. But having the two in the same software ? Really nice.

On a more general level, I don't know if there's much progress to be expected on the performance side of thing, at least not in the same way than what was done during the previous decade. Most research papers revolve around real-time rendering and GPU based raytracing, which is what Vantage is for.
Check V-Ray 7 Beta for example, while some of the new features seem handy there's no big jump in performance, even though it's a major release.

Still, GPU support would be nice for a big interactivity boost without giving up on the CPU, a bit like Renderman's XPU.

[C4D] Corona Goodies - User Contributions / Proxify
« on: 2024-09-24, 09:39:49 »
I've started playing with Corona Proxies and found the workflow a bit cumbersome, so I've made a script that takes care of the little details to make things faster.

Select the object to convert to a proxy and run the command, that's it.

Let me know if you're using it!

[C4D] I need help! / Re: roughness map opacity
« on: 2024-09-23, 10:41:09 »
Sure, it's not as direct as in Max but there are Corona shaders to replicate this behavior.

The Corona Color Mix shader. Level drives the global output level while brightness affects only the color channel. You can also use it to invert a texture color/values quickly.

Or the Corona Mixture shader, which is a bit more complex but gives more control over the blending parameters :

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Low saturated texture problem
« on: 2024-09-04, 17:06:41 »

It's hard to say without more info about the scene, the material, and the texture file itself.

Could you share the floor with the material as a separate scene, to take a look?

Hi, I'm experiencing the same issue as CBAS VISUAL. Normal maps are not being imported into surface materials at all. For 3D assets, the normal maps are only imported if the "normalbump" map is selected in the Quixel texture settings. The normal map is downloaded in the folder, but it's not applied. What is the solution, please?

Fixed ! (kind of)

In case anyone else has the same problem, a clean reinstall of Bridge and the plugin do the trick.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Issues in and around VFB and IR
« on: 2024-08-28, 08:33:56 »

Try the latest version of Corona 12 ( Hotfix 1), it fixes many issues with the VFB :

To avoid any issues I'm still using the old VFB since I don't miss anything from the new one. You can change it in the corona prefs.

And finally a question, which software are you using for screen recording and gif export to share it easier here on the website?
Especially when I want to record only a part of the screen, the software I'm using allows me to record only the whole screen.

On Windows ? ShareX

Bridge + your plugin reinstalled. Same issue :(

Sorry ! I sent you a message, check your DM.

I wrote something that somewhat works. The shared shaders are synced but the links aren't drawn in the node editor until the source shader is edited.

Hi, sorry for the inconvenience.

In this case CBAS VISUAL solved the issue by reinstalling Quixel Bridge then the custom plugin. Let me know how it goes.

Bump !

Could we have a feedback from the team ? I tried many things on my side without any success.

Is linking shaders with Shared shaders possible at all through C4D Python API ?



Hello @John_Do,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Could you please elaborate a little bit more about this? I'm not sure I quite understood the issue.
I tried reproducing this duplicating (Drag'nDrop) a material directly in the C4D material editor and also in the Corona Node Material Editor, but I couldn't reproduce the issue.
If you have a scene project where this is happening, it can also be handy to share it with us.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks Benjamin, I'm in holidays so I don't have access to my projects, but that's happening in every production scene so far, though in a very random way. But the issue is perfectly demonstrated by @d4l1 above.

Like some other issues in Corona, scene complexity and/or working on a saved scene ( as opposed to working on a new document ) seem to play a role. I tried to reproduce the issue on a new document with some imported materials from the Corona Material Library and some custom ones without much success.

I keep you posted if I manage to get a scene where it's happening.

EDIT : I think the Shared shader has something to do with this, I've connected a shader to several material inputs, duplicated the material with a drag-n-drop in the material manager, and the problem happens.

In this case only the Shared shader is linked to both materials, but often standard shaders are also linked to both materials, like in the example from @d4l1.

[Max] I need help! / Re: License Issue
« on: 2024-08-10, 15:56:08 »
Maru, I really think you didn't think this through. Even if I have a way to route internet through my mobile phone - am I supposed to leave it at the office for, let's say the entire weekend, just to make sure it works? I don't think this is a good option.

Since the license system is really quick to notice the connection loss and fully automated, it should be no problem to:

- Automatically send an alert email to the client saying 'It seems your license can't be verified, you may be experiencing loss of internet connection on the PC(s) running our product. You have 96 hours to contact us, after which the license(s) will be deactivated. Please contact us via xyz to resolve the issue to make sure your product can keep running.'
- Keep the license active for 96 hours, this is to make sure an ISP downtime occuring over the weekend can be resolved or worked around on monday without interrupting production. ISPs tend to need a day or two to fully resolve problems, add to that a weeked for the worst case scenario.
. Since some machines/slaves could be busy doing something else when the ISP goes down, all licenses the client is entitled to should be flagged active for 96 hours automatically. I'm sure you can figure out if the machines requesting a license are located at the same place going by the IP.
- If the client is unable to find a solution, offer to borrow a license for whatever time frame the client needs without any hesitation - he paid for it and Chaos got all the money upfront!!

Sure, the beancounters at Chaos will extrapolate the 'losses' by mutliplying license time with Chaos clients, but the fact is: Chaos has been paid already. A system like this would be fair to the user (the current one is Chaos being a dick because they can) and would probably mean way less work for the support team.

Please stop suggesting weird solutions, just try to be fair to your clients.


Just listen to this guy. It feels like a good, balanced middle ground.

Something must went wrong when illegal users have a better level of service than the ones paying for the product. Enshittification at its best again.


I often duplicate materials in the Material Manager with the Ctrl-Drag command and in this context I DON'T want to keep the links with the original material, just a plain copy.

Having to open node editor, dragndropping the material, selecting the entire node tree and drag-copy to get a real copy is cumbersome and add so much friction to the workflow.

Would it be possible to get the ability to duplicate the materials without the links to the original material's nodes ? Ideally as a new setting in the preferences.

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