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Messages - Dalton Watts

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New VFB Skin and functionality
« on: 2024-02-15, 14:53:16 »
Yes, Cryptomatte masks would save us a lot of time. Although in Vray, and from my limited time testing it 2 days ago, I think there's a problem with color bleed not being taken into account.

This is what I would like to see in the new VFB:

- Cryptomatte masks (if this could work also for selective denoising, even better)
- Allow creation of folders in the main layer stack in VFB
- Add the ability to select and move multiple layers into a folder in VFB
- Post chromatic aberration in the VFB
- Highlight/Shadow clipping warning

But I agree with TomG. VFB performance and streamlining should be the priority, and then build upon that.

[Max] Daily Builds / New VFB Skin and functionality
« on: 2024-02-14, 13:19:27 »
Hello guys,

Can you elaborate on what is being planned for the new VFB skin and functionality? Are we moving towards a more vray-ish VFB? I would love that! With VFB editing capabilities like Cryptomate masks along with shadow/highlight clipping warnings, and a more flexible and dynamic VFB regarding window sizes.


[Max] I need help! / Re: corona 11 / max ocio config
« on: 2024-01-15, 19:50:28 »
Thank you for keeping us posted Aram!


Also, can you show me what it looks like in the unified lister? I'm still running an older version for our current projects

I apologize for not responding to this question, James. Attached are images where you can see the "EDIT" button that opens the dialog with the Tonemapping operators inside the Corona Unified Lister.

Got it James! Thank you very much for taking the time to explain it! Will try to get my head around it to see if something can be done.

Thank you for both replies. I saw that script from Mohammadreza but I don't know what that does :-) I just want a maxscript that calls the tone mapping exactly as the button on the unified lister. From my brief reading before my question, I got the idea that it wasn't as trivial as I would have thought. Meanwhile, my workflow will have to adapt to this apparent impossibility.

This might be a shot in the dark but does anyone know how can I call the Corona Tone Mapping menu via maxscript?

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New Corona Lister Feedback
« on: 2024-01-12, 15:23:50 »
Also, another quality of life improvement in the Unified Lister would be the ability to drag and drop texmap between lights, or at least copy and paste them. Right now, I can't drag, copy, paste or even drag the texture from slate material to the map slot in the Unified Lister.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: New Corona Lister Feedback
« on: 2024-01-10, 20:14:33 »
Why isn't it dockable?

Hi Avi. That's the way I have worked for years now. Finding a balance depending on scenes. I was just curious to know how OIDN worked in interactive and if it started denoising sooner than Optix.

Thanks Romullus! I guess that the essential part is really the ability for the user to select "Start Sample" as Blender has (see image in attachment)

Also, Arnold has OIDN, and the way it blurs the image is very similar to Cycles. I don't know if Arnold also has the "Start Sample" option because I don't use it.

Since I don't have a compatible GPU, can anybody please confirm if the new Intel GPU AI denoiser in interactive resolves the image similarly to how the Open image denoiser in Cycles does it? Or is it that Corona, by default, does not start denoising at the first sample and it is irrelevant what denoiser we use?

[Max] I need help! / Re: corona 11 / max ocio config
« on: 2023-12-04, 16:33:05 »
I feel your pain. This is something I find the Corona team has to improve. Features are added and no support material is centralized to help out the users. I know some info could be in the "forum feature playgrounds" but sometimes it is buried in 50+ forum pages.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Persistent data
« on: 2023-12-04, 12:57:59 »
Thank you Aram!

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: The most wanted feature?
« on: 2023-12-03, 12:47:52 »
To me, performance improvements in interactive rendering could be implemented (perhaps restricting GPU calculations to interactive rendering?). Maybe it would help to have quicker initial feedback with something like Cycles "Denoise at first sample"

Additionally, it would be nice to have improvements in VFB to make it more flexible in terms of resizing, similar to V-Ray's with features like clipping warning and such.

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