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Topics - Dalton Watts

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General CG Discussion / Per-camera resolution script
« on: 2024-12-27, 11:14:43 »
Hey guys,

I've seen this asked before in the forum. I also requested years ago btw. Yesterday I made a script that does it and with the features I need most but I can put it for sale for a symbolic value on Gumroad if there is interest.

Key Features:
Quick camera selection and viewport switching
Custom resolution override per camera
Aspect ratio locking system
Batch render all Corona cameras with one click
Selective batch rendering with multi-selection dialog
Automatic render output folder creation
Resolution settings are saved per camera
Automatic update on camera list when new cameras are added or deleted

I don't know if forum rules allow this or not. If not please delete the post.

[Max] Daily Builds / New VFB Skin and functionality
« on: 2024-02-14, 13:19:27 »
Hello guys,

Can you elaborate on what is being planned for the new VFB skin and functionality? Are we moving towards a more vray-ish VFB? I would love that! With VFB editing capabilities like Cryptomate masks along with shadow/highlight clipping warnings, and a more flexible and dynamic VFB regarding window sizes.


This might be a shot in the dark but does anyone know how can I call the Corona Tone Mapping menu via maxscript?

[Max] General Discussion / New Corona Benchmark
« on: 2023-07-29, 19:03:44 »
Can someone please explain why is the new benchmark better to evaluate performance? In the old benchmark, the performance was measured in seconds and now it is only in Rays/s.

A practical example:

On the old benchmark, the 13900k was around 37 seconds, and my current workstation was 43 seconds. A 14% difference.
On the new benchmark, the 13900K is around 13,000,000, and my workstation is 8,000,000. A 62,5% difference.

Does anyone know how can I call the Corona Render Selected (Pixel Mask) with Viewport selection selected from maxscript?

[Max] Feature Requests / Persistent data
« on: 2022-12-07, 13:46:57 »
Still, on the Cycles page, would it be possible to implement "Persistent Data" in Corona?

"Persistent Data keeps render data in memory after rendering for faster re-renders and animation renders at the cost of extra memory usage while performing other tasks in Blender".

I was fiddling around with Blender and Cycles and really liked their fluid implementation of Cycles rendering on the viewport.

In Cycles since the viewport is denoising in real-time for every sample, we can set a start sample so that the denoiser doesn't kick in before a set number of samples has already been calculated. That's the default behavior for Cycles. If we change that so the denoiser only kicks in at a later sample it behaves similarly to Corona or V-Ray.

The viewport rendering (similar to viewport IPR on V-ray and the "Interactive rendering in 3ds max viewport" as suggested on "The most wanted feature?" topic on the forum) alongside the GPU rendering with all the scalability that GPU rendering allows would greatly improve Corona experience, in my opinion.

I know GPU rendering and viewport interactive rendering may be in the distant future (or never happening at all) but can we, as of right now, start the AI denoiser on the first sample in order to simulate default Cycles viewport rendering behavior?

Note: In the video, I'm using a GTX 1070 Ti which is very far from the latest and greatest but it is still a smooth experience.

[Max] Feature Requests / Max Passes reset a zoom
« on: 2021-05-28, 12:40:27 »
Hi guys!

Don't know if this has been asked before or not but here it goes:

When working with interactive rendering I often set Max passes to a lowish number like 10 or 30 passes, depending on if I'm lighting a scene or setting up a material.

When zooming to a specific area, if the max passes are reached I can't zoom out and go to another area and inspect it at the defined max pass value. I think it would be beneficial if that max passes would auto-reset at zoom state.

[Max] I need help! / Selected Object B&W Mask Script?
« on: 2021-01-21, 18:55:22 »
So, guys, I know I can mask out objects with different colors with wirecolor and material id but, say I only want a black and white mask to directly use in photoshop? Does anybody know any script that does that tedious process for you?

Say, I select an object, click the script button and it automatically renders only its mask while automatically, for instance, assigns a white wirecolor to the selected object(s) and assigns black as the wirecolor of all remaining objects.

Even more efficient would be to be able to choose what objects one wishes to have a black and white mask with some sort of a dialog box.

Hi guys,

I frequently use PrintScreen to get color references from the web when I'm working. I use Gadwin Printscreen and assign new printscreen images to be saved to a specific folder, but I would like to streamline the process a little more by being able to paste the last copied clipboard content to the slate material editor directly. Is this even possible to do in Max?

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Custom watermark on IR?
« on: 2020-07-05, 14:09:04 »

Don't know if it has been asked before but is it possible to have a custom watermark checkbox on IR? It would be super useful and a huge timesaver to send tests to clients without the hassle of inserting it on photoshop.

[Max] General Discussion / Slow Corona Material Library
« on: 2020-07-03, 01:14:07 »

What is the technical reason why the corona material library is generally slow and somewhat laggy especially when scrolling but also when dragging a material to the 3ds max slate material editor? It has been that way since it was introduced.

Interactive rendering is THE main reason I use Corona. I love it!

But as I was fiddling around just now in the Render Settings Devel/Experimental rollout I was thinking, besides changing the UHD Cache precision, what can one change to further speedup IR in that specific rollout?

[Max] Daily Builds / Dissolve with previous image
« on: 2020-06-09, 17:52:28 »
I'm not getting the use of this feature. Can someone please clarify? I don't notice any change in interactive rendering activating or deactivating it.


Tried using the "lock texture to icon" on V-ray dome light with Corona but got the, somewhat expected, incompatibility error.

When will it be compatible? The way of orientating the hdri is much user-friendly on V-ray since this feature was introduced than in Corona. In Corona it is very obtrusive having the material window opened only for rotating the hdri in CoronaBitmap.

Unless there's a better way or any sort of script/plugin that does it in a more visual manner, I think this is something that could be improved.

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