« on: 2019-03-29, 12:17:33 »
Since I did not post so much the last few weeks, I thought it might be great to annoy you al little bit ;)
And since I'm not sure if this turns out to be a bug, I'll post it in general.
So, my concern is about the mouse-lags while rendering. I detected three types or rather stages :)
All of them have the same symptoms and differ in intensity. Symptoms are lags or slow movement of the mouse aswell as typing.
1: Local rendering, without Teamrender: average intensity
2: Teamrendering: highest intensity. Workstation almost not usable for other tasks
3: Teamrendering, workstation ticked off: My thought here was, that during the day i can start a render and then tick off my workstation in the renderclient list, so that i can do other stuff in the meantime but the lags are still there. Not as strong and often than in the other two scenarios, but intense enough to at least interfere my work in photoshop.
I'm totally aware of the fact, that rendering is a very cpu-heavy operation. But even when my WS has nothing to render and just puzzle chunks from the client togheter, the lags are there.
Is there a way around, maybe restrict cpu usage for example?
My Specs: Win10, Intel i9-7940X, 64GB DDR4, 1TB M2 SSD, C4D Studio (Latest patch), Corona 3 hotfix 1 (core 3).