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Topics - HFPatzi

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Gallery / Childhood Throwback
« on: 2020-08-07, 12:44:18 »

I wanted to share my recent sparetime project with you. Done in about 3 days, just for fun :)
All is from modeling to texturing and post processing is done by me.

Programs used:

- Cinema 4D R20
- Corona
- Photoshop

Looking forward for some critisism ;)


[C4D] I need help! / Additional Bumpmapping
« on: 2019-12-07, 08:49:20 »
Good Morning!

I hope somebody can answer this question: Let's say i have the normal shader in the bump channel and in it's additional bump mapping slot i have an additional bump map. Is the strenght of the addtitional bump map dependant to the "main" strenght in the bump channel or does it operate independantly? For instance, when i have 50% in the main strenght, do i have to put 200% in the additional strenght to get 100% strenght there?

Hope i got the question right ;)

Greetings from frosty southern germany!



Would it be possible to have the option, that the Folder in the Multipass-settings actually creates a real folder when the render gets saved?
Would be pretty useful when, like me, you have a lot of masks or in general when you have a specific folder structure.

Would be cool to have that optional as a checkbox.


Hi there!

I just ran into a weird issue: When using teamrender and cinema's Take system the settings for photographic (including the checkbox to switch between photographic and simple exposure) are not overwritten by the corona camera tag. When rendering locally everything works as it should. For teamrendering i had to manually change the settings in the global camera/postprocessing tab. Even though the little camera symbol is present in the global settings. I also tried put the corona camera tag in the corrosponding takes, without any luck.

Maybe somebody can confirm this. I did not test it without using Takes, since it took me around 2.5h plus installing the latest daily on 11 machines to find out. I hope I have some time later, to put together an example scene.



I just tested Corona with TR-Server. From the Console-output everything looks good, but the final image is completely underexposed (See attached images. One with TR-Server and one with my workstation only).
Also the TR-Server image is far from finnished. Even though the web interface said that it's finnished.

I'm using Cinema 4D R20 (Newest build) and Corona 3 (hotfix 1)

My Workstation is Windows, Teamrender Server is Running on Mac Os, Renderclients is a mix of 8 Windows PCs and 2 Macs.

Any ideas what could cause this?


Hi there,

since I'm rendering an Animation with teamrender right now, I recognized something: Let's say I have 100 Frames and 10 Renderclients rendering. Let's also pretend that some of the clients are faster than others. If I'm not mistaken, in Physical/Standard-Renderer the frames are equally distributed to all the clients (in this case 10 Frames per Client). But if one Client is faster than another, the faster client would grab a part of the slower client's frame-cue and render them after finishing it's own cue.

With Teamrender and Corona this is not the case. Every client renders it's cue and then stops and does not grab cued frames from slower clients.

I'm not 100% sure if Physical/Standard-Renderer behaves that way, but i thought I've seen this behaviour in the past.

Maybe someone can confirm/deny that?

And if that's the case my question would be: Why doesn't behave that way and would it be possible for you to change that?

I hope my post is not too confusing ;)




Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Jan 18 2019 17:59:03
Version: 3 hotfix 1 (core 3)
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R20.059 S

[C4D] I need help! / Glossyness: Slieder vs. Texture
« on: 2019-04-02, 16:15:53 »
Hi there!

Simple Question: Does the texture-slot in Reflection/Glossyness overwrite the value-slider completely? I think so, but wouldn't it be great to use Textures and dial the overall glossyness (or some kind of mix-amount) with the slider?


[C4D] General Discussion / Mouse Lag while rendering
« on: 2019-03-29, 12:17:33 »

Since I did not post so much the last few weeks, I thought it might be great to annoy you al little bit ;)
And since I'm not sure if this turns out to be a bug, I'll post it in general.

So, my concern is about the mouse-lags while rendering. I detected three types or rather stages :)
All of them have the same symptoms and differ in intensity. Symptoms are lags or slow movement of the mouse aswell as typing.

1: Local rendering, without Teamrender: average intensity

2: Teamrendering: highest intensity. Workstation almost not usable for other tasks

3: Teamrendering, workstation ticked off: My thought here was, that during the day i can start a render and then tick off my workstation in the renderclient list, so that i can do other stuff in the meantime but the lags are still there. Not as strong and often than in the other two scenarios, but intense enough to at least interfere my work in photoshop.

I'm totally aware of the fact, that rendering is a very cpu-heavy operation. But even when my WS has nothing to render and just puzzle chunks from the client togheter, the lags are there.
Is there a way around, maybe restrict cpu usage for example?

My Specs: Win10, Intel i9-7940X, 64GB DDR4, 1TB M2 SSD, C4D Studio (Latest patch), Corona 3 hotfix 1 (core 3).


[C4D] Feature Requests / Camera tag override for curves?
« on: 2019-03-13, 15:53:14 »

Would it be possible to override the Post-Curves with a corona camera tag?
I mostly have scenes with several cameras and it would be great to have different curves assigned to them.


Good morning!

maybe this request is already open. If so, just delete this one ;)

It would be great if we could choose wich passes are getting saved when hitting "save all".

For instance: I have a scene with lightmix (5 lights) and some masks. If iI now hit save all (exr-format). all the lightmix passes are beeing saved also. But i don't need them in every case, since i make my adjustments mostly while rendering or after that in the vfb.
My images are mostly pretty huge (9000x6000) which is around 200 to 300MB per Lightmix pass. It takes pretty long to save and in my case is wasted space on my hdd.

Maybe another column of checkboxes in the multipass options called "save" or something like that could work.


[C4D] General Discussion / Developer-Mode in Teamrender
« on: 2019-02-06, 10:15:54 »
Hi Folks!

Just a quick question: If i want to try and change some settings in the developer mode of corona, do i have to change the settings on all my TR-Clients too or does it inhert them from my master machine?

Thanks for answering!


Hi there Coronians! ;)

This is just a minor bug, but i thought i tell you that, if I  click into a "textbox" in the corona VFB-Post tab and then move my mouse cursor away and out of the boundaries of the VFB I am not able to type even though the existing text or digits rather are selected.

I hope you get, what I mean :)

I'm on a PC, Win 10 Pro and Cinema R20.030 Studio.

Again, thanks for making this great renderer possible and your endless patience with us users! :)

Have a nice weekend!



Often, when I Stop or Cancel Rendering in the corona VFB and hit the X immediatly after that, cinema Crashes with an error message that the corona Plugin has crashed.
Unfortunatly I forgot to take a screenshot (will do if it happens again) but i uploaded the bug report via the uploader (1545035782_bugreports.rar).

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start rendering/previewing a (ideally large/polygon heavy) scene
2. After a while hit stop/cancel and immediatly after that hit the X to close the VFB-Window.

My Specs:


Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Oct 31 2018 17:15:05
Version: B2 (core 3)
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R18.057 S


OS: Wiondows 10
Intel Core i9 7940X @3,1GHz
RAM: 64GB DDR4, 2666MHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080Ti

Thanks for checking!


[C4D] General Discussion / Displacement
« on: 2018-12-04, 17:17:32 »
Hey Folks!

Yet another displacement issue ;)
I'm not quite sure if this is a bug, intentional or me doing completely wrong but can some of you check attached project please?
It seems like the height information of the Displacement comes from the first material in the stack (which is, afaik, the way corona handles displacement so far).
But the mapping/size information seems to come from the individual texture tags wich are layered above the displacement material.

For explanation: the object in the scene should have a pretty rough/woven structure, except for the bottom piece. On the sides of the object is a print of the brands name (Alpha image in the opacity channel) which i here simulated with the checkerboard.

As you can see in the attaced screenshot, there are some strange things happening. I rendered the image in the screenshot with material override and preserve displacement on.

So the goal is to have even displacement of the woven structure all around the object except for the brand's logo areas and the bottom.

I hope someone could shed a little light in my overloaded brain ;)

Thank you,


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Nodebased Material vs. Teamrender
« on: 2018-11-27, 12:41:17 »

I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but I can't teamrender materials wich are build using corona's node editor. Rendering on the local machine only works fine though.
See attached screenshots. On the comparison screenshot the upper half is teamrendered, the lower part is rendered on the local machine only.

I also uploaded the scene file via your private uploader: 1543318899_Teamrender-node-issue.rar

Again, thanks for your support!


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