Author Topic: Multipass - Choose what pass to save  (Read 1299 times)

2019-02-25, 08:28:26


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Good morning!

maybe this request is already open. If so, just delete this one ;)

It would be great if we could choose wich passes are getting saved when hitting "save all".

For instance: I have a scene with lightmix (5 lights) and some masks. If iI now hit save all (exr-format). all the lightmix passes are beeing saved also. But i don't need them in every case, since i make my adjustments mostly while rendering or after that in the vfb.
My images are mostly pretty huge (9000x6000) which is around 200 to 300MB per Lightmix pass. It takes pretty long to save and in my case is wasted space on my hdd.

Maybe another column of checkboxes in the multipass options called "save" or something like that could work.
