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Messages - steppes

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
is set up an second, complete inependend file. It also crashes when trying to render...

When I import the non-rendering scene to an existing scene. It renders... strange

[C4D] Bug Reporting / corona crashes when using vertex map
« on: 2024-08-01, 09:41:34 »
Hi all.

Just a little simple scene: a sphere moves through a field driving a vertex-map to change the material of the sphere.

can not get it rendered. It allways crashes after starting rendering.

corona 12
c4d 2024.5.1
win 11

[C4D] I need help! / pasting picked color values
« on: 2024-07-04, 13:42:18 »
Hi all!


Ciro Sannino shows how to pick color values from pictures the right way in 3ds max. How do I do this in Cinema 4D? There is no corona color shader in c4d, nor I can find a way to set values tu linear. Isnt that possible in c4d? Do I have to use the old vray trick and set the Gamma to 0.454?

Thanks for help

For Compositings I use backplate photos or sphericals. How can I use the tone control in the VFB for the 3D objects but ignore the environment? i want the background to be ignored.


3DVista is pretty good. works fine, pretty reliable... Little oldfashined UI.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Low Rays/s and general slowness
« on: 2024-05-17, 09:14:28 »
I second that.

I also have the feeling that Corona has been getting slower. I dont know since when and I have never used a stopwatch, but the feeling exists indeed.

When rendering stills I do not care about that, but for animations I catch myself accepting higher noise levels to save time.

I remember Vrays main claim with each release was always: SPEEED! . I wish corona would speed up too.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« on: 2024-04-23, 15:09:04 »
I think, we are talking about rendering the scene with corona and the particles separately in Redshift

but do not use displacement für the rabbit hole! ;)

But for this you do not need a rabbit hole. It is pretty simple: Earth diameter is about 12750km, the max height difference on earth between mount everest (+9km) and marianna trench (-11km) is 20km. 20km out of 12750km is about 0,16%. Since you can see the water, maraianna trench is out of equasion. The result is 0,07%.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« on: 2024-04-16, 09:10:08 »
yes, a cloner works.

I thought there is a more efficient way to render particles faster. Years ago, there was something called "sprites". when you render millions of tiny tiny particles, regular geometry is not needed I think.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« on: 2024-04-15, 17:58:15 »

Cinema 4d 2024.4 has an brand new particle system. I just want to know how to render, while avoiding real geometry

thank you for that!

But: when it comes to realism, we do not need any displacement or bump oder normal on an earth model. The earth ist perfectly flat. A Billiard ball used for the world cup is allowed to have more displacement oder bump, than the earth in fact has!

[C4D] General Discussion / C4D 2024.4 Particles
« on: 2024-04-12, 08:15:12 »
Hi all!

Can Corona render the new native c4d Particles or only with the help of real geometry?

[C4D] I need help! / Re: wire shader angle restriction
« on: 2024-04-10, 10:33:24 »
thats more or less, what I asked for here:

We need phong restriction for wireshader, AO and curvature shader.

Unfortunately no news for 1 year

when I use UVW space, the tile size width and tile size height are not considered.
when I use object space, I can set the dimensions properly.

I have watched the Videos on YT and there is that "feature" mentioned, but I cannot figure out the sense: Either I can map on every side or I can set the dimensions properly. Why not both?

Hi all!

Why is the Corona tiles shader restricted to one direction? When I want to place tiles in a corner, I have to assign it twice. Why? Wouldnt it be easier to have it kinda cubemapped?

And: Why is the Corona tiles shader not proper visible in the editor?

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