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Topics - studiobasler

Pages: 1 [2]
Is it possible to add the feature Cast Shadow and Send Shadow like in Vray for the compositing Tag? Currently it is possible to exclude a object from Shadow, but sometimes its helpfull if a objects receive shadow but dont generate them.

Thank you

[C4D] General Discussion / Render Big Resolution
« on: 2017-12-05, 23:01:32 »
Hello Forum,
i do have to render a scene in 20k and  unfortunately i get error messages all the time which say 'to less ram'. I have 128 gb of ram in my machine but i cant render higher than 13K.
The scene is nothing special. Its a parkdeck with some pillars, a floor and some walls. Two of the Materials have displacement material. I do have about 15 light sources and one hdri as my main light. I put all the lights in the multipass light mix selection and applied denoising to them. So usually i render in Corona vfb and save out my images as exr. Is this the way to go or is it better to use c4d picture viewer instead?

Any suggestions would be very fine, thank you.


[C4D] General Discussion / Fireflies
« on: 2017-11-22, 11:21:47 »
i cant get rid of these fireflies. Im using a hdr environment to lit my scene. Everything else is perfect but i cant reduce noise/firelfies in this area. I reduce max sample intensity to 15 checked my glass material and i cannot find any issues. Im using a light material for the car lights with an intensity of 4. Any tips what i can do next? Noise Level is about 1.9%. after two hours of rendering.

Cheers Christian

[C4D] General Discussion / Light Mix Units and Denoising
« on: 2017-10-23, 12:23:38 »
Hello Forum,
so Iam new to Corona and first of all its very intuitiv and im happy with my first results.
Raising up the Light mix Values ends up in a very noisy image althought i checked the "Apply denoising" to it.
So im using Light mix to find the corrct light intensity and would like to know the corresponging units so i'am able to
feed my lumen Value. If i raise up the Light Mix value for example to 6, what value do i have to insert in my lumen intensity to get the same intensity?

Thank you

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