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Topics - lupaz

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Please, see the image attached.
Currently with Corona Pattern it's only possible to use a square prism to define the geometry for the pattern.
This doesn't allow for overlapping of useful parts that fit like a puzzle.

Thank you.

[Max] Feature Requests / Displacement in Corona Pattern
« on: 2024-01-10, 16:27:13 »
Please, add compatibility with displacement in Corona Pattern.
Thank you.


Is there a render element that shows two colors: one for pixels above RGB 1.0 and another for pixel from RGB 0 TO 0.99?

If not, it'd be very helpful to identify, with certain exposure and tone mapping, those areas that are burnt out.


you can add another LUT operator in VFB and load a false color LUT on top (bottom) of the stack any time.

Good Luck

It'd be nice to have a one button solution for creating grayscale zdepth based height maps.
With one click you get the render element ready with the selected object's bounding box as the limits for black and white

It would be convenient for us to be able to raise the base layer level above 1 as a quick way of controlling brightness for the whole material.

[Max] Feature Requests / Tone mapping - Grouping
« on: 2023-12-15, 15:43:32 »
I'd like to suggest the option to group operators in the Tone Mapping stack.

This will allow users to compare different options of multiple operators by just checking on and off a certain group.

Ideally, if there's a way to go back and forth from one group to another (when you turn on one group, a second group switches off automatically), that would be great.


Hi all,

As far as I can see in my tests, volume effect makes renderings take twice the time, making it unusable in my workflow.

With Unreal engine and other render engines having real time atmospheric effects, I wonder if it would be possible to have a much cheaper option to adding depth.

Thank you.


Please, take a look at the videos below.

On the first video:
When I isolate the object the reflection looks as expected: screen mode.
When I exit isolation mode it becomes stretched. Why?

The object is a box with a reflective material.

On the second video:
An empty scene with a box with reflection and a bitmap on reflections override.
It doesn't look stretched, but there's a second image being reflected.
Is this normal?

I'm working with Max 2023 and Corona 9, windows 11.

Thank you.


As a continuation of this thread

I send attached a scene where this is reproduced.
3Ds max 2023, Corona 9, windows 11
Here's a video with the issue:

[Max] I need help! / Caustics and excluding Xrefs
« on: 2023-06-22, 21:34:29 »
Hi Corona team.

Is there a way to exclude xref scenes from the caustics calculations?


What I want to do is, after the vfb was cleared for whatever reason, I want to be able to use the region tool knowing what I'm "regionining", and on an already rendered image and not on a black or extremely noisy background.
It's not fun to wait for parsing, or a frozen UI.

Please, refer to this topic for more info:

[Max] I need help! / Fireflies more frequently with V9
« on: 2023-04-10, 23:54:06 »
Is it a known issue that V9 may render fireflies more often?
That's what's happening to me in at least 2 or 3 scenes now.

It seems that corona select isn't displayed correctly in the viewport.
I have several background images on screen mode, but with corona select they are displayed as spherical, seemingly.

Attached a screenshot.

Corona 9, Max 2023, Windows 11

Hardware / SSD vs HDD in terms of rendering performance
« on: 2023-02-09, 17:14:26 »
Hi all,

I have an HDD with my library for textures and models.
I've had it for almost 10 years now.

I was wondering if anyone knows if it's worth it to switch it by an SSD in terms of performance for everyday workflow and rendering.
Anyone with that experience?


Shouldn't "automatic height" keep the height proportionally correct regardless of mapping or tiling?
In this video I used a small cylinder as the node. But when on the pattern, it gets distorted in height.

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