I always use internal resolution mult.=2 for all my projects, as I always obtain too jagged edges when using =1, even when I add bloom and glare in post.
Maybe I´m doing something wrong, I´m still quite new to Corona, but in case Internal resolution multiplier is going to be removed permanently, I would really need to know how to fix this issue, if there is a workaround to get smooth edges in Corona.
I have read the changelog and it states:
"removed internal resolution multiplier (to be replaced with bloom filter)". Is that refering to a PS effect? or is bloom effect going to be a Corona feature in the near future?
I´d like to add that some clients don´t want bloom&glare effect at all, so I would like to have smooth edges without depending on bloom effects if possible.
I´m attaching a cropped example of a current project. Rendered in Corona 1.3 with I.R.M.=2 a couple of weeks ago, and re-rendered today with latest daily with I.R.M.=1. With & without slight bloom in post.
Edit: That image was rendered with AA filter set to "Parabolic" and "2,0px" Width value.