Author Topic: Pricing and release date announced  (Read 194384 times)

2014-11-05, 18:27:27
Reply #255


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Possibly, but on the other hand, an saas option may attract people who just want to try Corona for a while and don't want to pay the whole thing upfront ;) . Plus, if you already invested a lot of time (materials, scenes, workflow) it's more likely that you stay with it, thus renew your saas contract.

Well, that's just what I wrote a few posts back talking about the hook effect of the Saas model... On the business side it's perfect, but man, i wouldn't consider a business model based on that particularly "fair"

Now, come-and-goers left aside... What about the ones that really want to make an investment and actually stay with Corona? I'm very dissapointed with the box price tag, I suppose many of us are, and think the licensing options are very biased towards Saas. It's a big letdown.

I was decided to go with Corona, but right now I have big doubts I'll be making the jump.

2014-11-05, 19:14:00
Reply #256


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Saas is not only for Buisness perfect, even if you do not use Corona Saas option for making money with it....

If 3d is a "hobby" for you, and not your "Job", i think th Saas is the best choice at a very good Pricing i think.

If you do other things like watching the newest movies in cinemas, bowling or such, you must pay for the most things ......

2014-11-05, 19:31:23
Reply #257


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Well, that's just what I wrote a few posts back talking about the hook effect of the Saas model... On the business side it's perfect, but man, i wouldn't consider a business model based on that particularly "fair"

I meant "business", regarding the developers side of business, how the developers make their profit. Not regarding us the users. I find this Saas business model specially unfair for long term users.

2014-11-05, 19:37:22
Reply #258


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 I'm very dissapointed with the box price tag, ..., and think the licensing options are very biased towards Saas.

I find this Saas business model specially unfair for long term users.

Don't take me wrong :- ) This is not my business I am just trying to figure how would you rather balance it... ? Because these 2 statements seem to be contradictory.
At the moment there is a bias, which I believe is intentional, it's simply developers's choice to do.

If you find SaaS unfair then what is the issue with price of box ? If you would lower the price of box, the bias would be towards box then. Seems like...a circle ?

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2014-11-05, 20:18:31
Reply #259


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Hi Juraj... I don't see the circle. :)

I see two ways of balancing it. Either lowering the entry price of box (which i find too high, and is the reason of all my complaining). Or in Saas, giving the chance of keeping the license after the Box price is equaled (or maybe a bit higher to compensate). (Saas) 25€ x 18 months = 450€ (Box)

I guess it's a half and half solution... It may sound bogus, but i just can't stand the fact after X months of Saas (sorry didn't do the math, the 18 months above are probably incorrect if you account for updates..), your Corona would be more expensive than Box, and if you stop paying you're left with nothing.

2014-11-05, 20:26:25
Reply #260


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Wait, I don't think the Box price is too high, it's just I was expecting a price tag a bit under the price, and the other thing I said is that when the pricing scheme was revamped there was a lot of attention towards the SaaS licensing, including the render node licensing and such, but for the Box license there was nothing except removing the 90 days of grace, so there was nothing positive but something negative.

Now the SaaS model mixed with Box model is great becuase there is choice, and that is great, and of course the price tag should be decided by devs deciding it based on their maths, not on our desires, wich we express here, but that doesn't mean that the Box price is unfair or insanely high, I think is great, but a bit more flexibility could be great, that's why I proposed the "late subscription" option, that wont add any mess to the management of the licenses, wich was one of the main concerns Keymaster and the team had based on what I read about licensing.

And the other thing was about the floating license in SaaS and not floating in Box, what I see is a big bias towards SaaS and less love for Box, wich was stated by the team, that were pretty honest explaining their choices and theis point of view, but I would like a big more love towards the Box license model, maybe not as much as the SaaS wich is the preferred by the team, but a  bit more :)

Anyways, of ocurse we can speak all we want and expose our POV's, the decision has to be made by the team and, at least in my case, I won't change my mind about thinking about them as a pretty fair team and really commited towards their users and product, becuase they demonstrated that in the past and with all their explanations and involvement here.

Keymaster I think you got upset, maybe for my words, please don't be, I'm always trying to be as constructive as possible and of course with the best of the intentions, accept my apologies if I bothered you, and read my messages in a constructive way please, also I think the others are sharing the same idea.


2014-11-05, 20:44:50
Reply #261


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I agree with you Juang3d. You're right about the price not being unfair nor too high, just like you were I was expecting something under the pricetag of other more mature render engines. I guess I expressed it that way due to my dissapointment.

The thing that fueled all my complaining was all that love for Saas, and the crudeness of the Box option.

Just like you said, the decissions have to be taken by the team, and this is just our sandbox to express ideas and concerns. Same way, it is much appreciated that the team is listening and responding to our concerns.

I just hope all this leads to a new proposal, cause right now I'm serously considering sailing away from Corona :(

2014-11-05, 20:50:02
Reply #262


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I have read through all these comments here and I still cannot seem to figure out how can you constantly argue about 20€ saas cost that you will have to spend monthly on something that brings food to your table and at the same time you spend the same amount for lets say 2 packs of cigarettes - daily. I am not referring to anyone specifically, just saying that the price is really right if you look at it that way.

I, for one, definitely prefer saas over box license, anytime (and that's using Corona for my freelance work - since we are still stuck with V-Ray on my regular job). Even if I go solo in the end I will always be up for saas. Box is an old concept, we are living in a world where technology is changing on daily basis, where you buy boxed software today and in 2 months you get an upgrade that you would really need and you have to pay extra for it... why do this, why throw money away infront? Simply rent it and get all the latest updated that you need - for as long as you need them.

I have changed my complete workflow into saas. Using Office subscription, Adobe subscription, Max subscription at work and I will use Corona subscription as well. Only cancer in my line is V-Ray which I cannot wait to get rid of (give me dispersion in Corona please?!?!).
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2014-11-05, 21:45:09
Reply #263


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I have read through all these comments here and I still cannot seem to figure out how can you constantly argue about 20€ saas cost that you will have to spend monthly on something that brings food to your table and at the same time you spend the same amount for lets say 2 packs of cigarettes - daily. I am not referring to anyone specifically, just saying that the price is really right if you look at it that way.

I, for one, definitely prefer saas over box license, anytime (and that's using Corona for my freelance work - since we are still stuck with V-Ray on my regular job). Even if I go solo in the end I will always be up for saas. Box is an old concept, we are living in a world where technology is changing on daily basis, where you buy boxed software today and in 2 months you get an upgrade that you would really need and you have to pay extra for it... why do this, why throw money away infront? Simply rent it and get all the latest updated that you need - for as long as you need them.

I have changed my complete workflow into saas. Using Office subscription, Adobe subscription, Max subscription at work and I will use Corona subscription as well. Only cancer in my line is V-Ray which I cannot wait to get rid of (give me dispersion in Corona please?!?!).

100% agree

2014-11-05, 21:55:30
Reply #264


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I suppose the point is that for the user if you can afford the initial (relatively cheap) upfront cost of box then you only need to pay 99 euro a year for all the same updates you get with saas for 300 euro a year.

I'm also surprised that people find the box price high. I can't think of any serious renderer that's cheaper. Folks are saying that they are willing to pay 125 a month on max but not 25 on corona.
How do people afford max, photoshop, Maybe currently vray or maxwell etc and a decent pc to run it all on but think 450 euro for corona is going to make the difference between surviving and not.

2014-11-05, 22:05:16
Reply #265


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I think the prices are good! I also think the corona team have really tried to find a price and a licensing that suits as many as possible.

Corona has also been free for a very long time (I myself have used it for about 1,5 years now on and off) and as far as I remember Alpha v6 is free forever? I feel that that´s extremely nice of the corona team!

And that is then also a possibility, to use Alpha v6 without having to pay anything. I understand that everybody wants the latest stuff but I think Alpha v6 was a very capable version.

This is just my opinion and thought I´d share some positive feedback here :)


2014-11-05, 23:10:01
Reply #266


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That's what I've told, a lot of people that love SaaS is not responsible of paying all the licenses they need, they work in other companies and do some casual freelancing, anyways if SaaS is what you need, then great, SaaS could be great for a lot of people, it is not for me as my main licenses, it is great as a side wing license, I said it already.

Once again, the Box license price is not high, I don't understand why some of you keep saying that, it's just that it is higher than what I was expecting, that doesn't mean it is expensive or unfair, and BTW I'm not willing to pay 125€/month for max, I'm not that crazy, is the situation were we can found ourselves, and if that time comes I will migrate to another pacakge, I can assure you that, but also think that without max you can pay for corona... but you can do nothing... unless you work with blender or another pacakge, wich I will have to do if things evolve to SaaS :)

Guys I think I failed to make my point, so I retire from this conversation, I will acquire my licenses and work with them, and that's it, I htink I tried to explain things ina clear way without underestimate anyone situation, but trying to show other situations that may have been overlooked and that affect to more people than it seems, but clearly I failed in making my point, you have my opinion and I hope there is something constructive and something that is useful to improve a bit more the licensing scheme, or if there is nothing plausible, then it's ok, it's just my POV without all the info, so that's it for me regarding this :)


2014-11-05, 23:53:35
Reply #267


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I'm not willing to pay 125€/month for max, I'm not that crazy,

Where did you guys originally find this price ?

I've checked what "pay as you go" cost right now and this is what I see for EU region:

Available from:
195 € /month
Add Advanced Support for 40 €/month
or 1.560 € /year
Add Advanced Support for 330 €/year

(Of course, US is again 185 dollars = 145 euro, wtf, if you pay as go, you pay directly, not through reseller, there is no localization or support, both prices are without VAT)
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2014-11-06, 10:57:09
Reply #268


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people get to choose between cheap and cheap and switch from one to another any time and what they do? Complaaain... :D

2014-11-06, 11:04:23
Reply #269


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Really I don't understand what do you have that fixation with "complain", we are not complaining, we are trying to be constructive and add some point of views that are not being understood while we are saying "the price is good, it's not expensive but...", but you keep going with the "complain"... Ok, it's impossible, I understood that.
