Author Topic: New Framebuffer Issues  (Read 1274 times)

2024-11-28, 11:35:42


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I've been working with Corona 12 the past week and I've encountered a lot of issues with the new framebuffer while working: it's not responding to commands while (interactive) rendering, can't disable region rendering, can't use the zoom dropdown, frame buffer doesn't show any image unless I click and zoom somehow, etc etc.

Corona is also crashing serveral times per day when starting a render.

I also work in 3ds max and none of these issues are apparent over there.

In general it has became very buggy and VERY annoying to work with (in c4d).
Sorry for the negativity, but I need to get shit done so the software needs to be reliable.

C4D R20 / WIN10 / Amd Threadripper
« Last Edit: 2024-11-28, 12:17:56 by Redeemer »

2024-11-28, 23:48:26
Reply #1


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  • Benjamin
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Hello @Redeemer,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Could you please let us know your HW specs and SW versions? (you mentioned you were also using 3dsMax, so please include the version you're using)
On the other hand, I'm curious to know if you're using Corona 12, or the Hotfix 2, or the Update 1, which one are you using?
One last thing, could you please try entirely removing Corona (don't forget any leftover file), then upgrade your Cinema4D version to a more recent one (e.g., C4D 2023, or 2024, or 2025), then reinstall Corona and see if the issue persists?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Have an amazing day/evening.
Kind regards.
Benjamin Rosas |
3D Support Specialist - Corona | contact us