Author Topic: CD4 background object and corona sky  (Read 394 times)

2024-08-10, 07:50:22


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I need help how to set up a background for an interior scene.  I watched a tutorial video that if you add cd4 background with material of image required, you can untick disable directly in corona sky and the image will show through.  This is not working.  I can only see the image if I turn off the sky.  Lowering the intensity does not work either.  I need the sky for lighting.
My image is just a jpeg.  Not an hdri.
Any help on this or if there is a better way would be appreciated.

2024-08-10, 09:42:10
Reply #1


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Kindly provide references, link to tutorial you mention and visuals (results you wish and have)...

... also, welcome to the club. Hope you enjoy your stay. 

2024-08-11, 00:08:28
Reply #2


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Hi here is the link to the tutorial.

Part I got this from is at the very end.

Attached is an image looking through an interior window to a background.

I really want to achieve this somehow.

I went another way adding a shadow caster with jpeg image to a plane however when I try move the plane to set the right position and get thrme right focal point, the image inside the plane also moves so I can never position it right.

I'm only guessing this maybe a way but if there is another better way that would be a great help.