hello we have updated cienma 4d to 2024.3.1 today in the hope that the problem will no longer occur (it could have been that the problem is caused by cinema 4d) unfortunately the error still exists and we can no longer place assets in the library as the materials seem to be reset. (The bad thing is that you think it's fine, because the previews of the materials are displayed correctly, only after you put the objects from the asset browser back into a scene and look at the material properly, or render it, you see that it is basically just a simple physical standard material). The problem only exists with materials that are placed on objects, materials that are saved directly to the library - without geometry are recognized correctly)
We urgently need help with this problem!
win 11, last Corona version, c4d 2024.3.1
The data is on a network drive, everything else has already been explained a few times above