Author Topic: Include/exclude list for motion blur  (Read 472 times)

2023-12-09, 22:40:27


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Good afternoon, beloved developers!
This feature would be very helpful when creating presentation videos that are not quite physically correct. For example, now I'm presenting models of an architectural exhibition, where buildings fall on the terrain. And at the same time the terrain itself is rotated 360 on its Z axis. So I would like to be able to blur only the falling objects, and the terrain would remain clear and readable. Thank you!

2023-12-12, 01:20:13
Reply #1


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Good afternoon, beloved developers!
This feature would be very helpful when creating presentation videos that are not quite physically correct. For example, now I'm presenting models of an architectural exhibition, where buildings fall on the terrain. And at the same time the terrain itself is rotated 360 on its Z axis. So I would like to be able to blur only the falling objects, and the terrain would remain clear and readable. Thank you!
btw, I believe that you can achieve this effect if you disable the “camera” checkbox for motion blur, leaving only the “geometry” checkbox and animate the rotation of the camera instead of the terrain, in addition you will need to animate the rotation of falling houses synchronously with the camera

2023-12-15, 13:38:37
Reply #2

Aram Avetisyan

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Even if what you say makes sense for your case, it would be quite tricky to control it.
Do you want to disable a motion blur for an object for a camera? Or you want to disable motion blur for an object for entire scene? There is a separate motion blur menu for each object in objects properties, but IIRC Corona does not respect it. Maybe it makes sense to feature request respecting it and that is the ultimate solution for you?

As I understand the objects are animated with keyframes, right?
I am pretty sure that what you want can be achieved by adding a few more keyframes with, or just simply rendering with and without motion blur and then compositing. That should be the case for architectural illustrations surely, as almost any visual material consist of some layers and is used in different ways.
Aram Avetisyan |
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