Author Topic: Corona or C4D Issue?  (Read 3582 times)

2023-03-30, 21:57:02


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I'm very frustrated here. I have this house model, imported as an FBX. The texture files links are broken. No problem since that usually happens. Pull up the Asset manager and relink everything so they all have checkmarks. Perfect. BUT, the materials in the Material Manager remain black after rendering them. If I bring the Asset Manger back up, everything is a red X again. I even tried putting the project file in the same directory. Nope. I noticed in the file path there is a "maps\." I'm on a Mac and don't usually see backwards slashes. If I replace it with a forward slash it will appear to link, but not really. I tried globalizing, localizing. Nothing.

As you can see in the screen grab, some materials I manually deleted the "maps/" and the icon in the material browser looks good, but doesn't render. If I create a new material and link to one of the maps, works as expected (Testrender image attached. Grass now shows). There are 200 materials in this scene and I'm trying to not create everything. Never had this problem before.

The scene was originally created using Max, but I'm using the .obj version since the materials came in as standard C4D. The .fbx file came in as node based PBR I think, and was a mess.

Any ideas?

Mac OS 12.5.1 Monterey
C4D r25 and r20 (same problems)
Corona Version • 10 (Daily Build Mar  9 2023)

2023-03-30, 23:11:21
Reply #1


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    • evan alexander
I feel like I get this error sometimes when the texture files are in with the .c4d file and the link isn't C:/blahblahblah/dropbox/blahblah/blah/house/coolimage.jpg but in the attributes for the materials, each channel is loaded with just coolimage.jpeg (no hard drive path).  To fix this I usually just make a new folder and move all the maps there and then relink.  Don't know if that helps, but try it out.  Also looks like there are some Phong issues on that roof :)


2023-03-30, 23:39:19
Reply #2


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Thanks for the idea, but alas, same result. It just won't lose that "maps\" bit. No matter where the maps are located or how many times I relink, it just won't actually link. I don't get it. Never had this problem before.

2023-03-31, 07:41:04
Reply #3


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Hi there, where is the model from and are you able to share it with me or the download link?
Bengamin Jerrems:
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2023-03-31, 08:30:48
Reply #4


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Thanks for the idea, but alas, same result. It just won't lose that "maps\" bit. No matter where the maps are located or how many times I relink, it just won't actually link. I don't get it. Never had this problem before.

Had this issue a long time ago, can't remember if the following was the way to solve it but usually if there is a bug in the Project Asset Inspector, the texture manager in the Project Info settings should work to relink the files. But you can only do one file at a time.

2023-03-31, 17:20:59
Reply #5


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It may seem obvious, but I would suggest:
- verifying the filename's capitals both name and extension) in comparison to what they are supposed to be in the asset inspector. This was an issue with me in the past, when p.e. the textures had 'specular' and the asset inspector 'Specular'. The trick was then to relink the texture to the corresponding folder in combination with find/replace feature in the bottom right of the asset inspector (_Specular to _specular).
- compare the material structure from the grass to the other materials in the node editor, and see where it differs. See if p.e. removing the bitmap shader inside the mixture shader helps.
- place the textures in the tex folder of your project file, then localize filenames and see if that helps if not already the case
- check actual path to not exceed 120 characters
- and you never know... make sure the location of the textures is allowed to everyone (rights issue)
Koen Van haesendonck
3D-lab -

2023-03-31, 19:30:10
Reply #6


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Thanks @Konichowaa, good things to look at. I've already done most of those, but a couple I'll look at.

@Beanzvision The only thing reasonable I can provide is the .obj file (which is what I used) and the maps folder. It is 2 GB after ZIPing.

@John_Do Never knew that trick, but with 200 materials, that means 400+ texture files in question. Not practical in this case. The file is very slow when pulling up the list since, it's looking and looking.
« Last Edit: 2023-03-31, 19:50:21 by BigAl3D »

2023-04-01, 00:36:37
Reply #7


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@Beanzvision, I sent the files to the uploader. Took a while, but it seems to have gone through.

Submission ID# 0Y8T-ZD3G

2023-04-04, 10:18:34
Reply #8


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@Beanzvision, I sent the files to the uploader. Took a while, but it seems to have gone through.

Submission ID# 0Y8T-ZD3G

Okay great, I'll search for them. Thx!
Bengamin Jerrems:
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2023-05-10, 00:01:35
Reply #9


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we also have same, project info /texture is the only reliable way to check if textures are all there or not.

sadly the maxon asset manager has issues seeing all textures from corona and also vray materials. not sure if that is also for other engines.
not sure if corona can do some about it, if yes would be great.

my feel is that the asset manager still is buggy with 3rd party mats (it certainly was in past)
