This is going to be a half-assed bug report because I don't have much info to share on it, and I'm wayyyyyy too busy to try and de-bug at the moment, but I'm interested if anyone else is experiencing any similar issues?
Ever since upgrading to Corona 10:
I'm getting constant crashes when using slate material editor. It seems to happen when loading the preview textures/bitmaps/materials (I'm not sure) of legacy materials (but possibly also PBR mats too).
I will load up slate, select an object to retrieve its material, it will begin loading (rendering) the textures etc and quickly crash. I can't predict when this happens, but it's happening often. With some materials, and not others. Sometimes clearing the slate material editor helps, sometimes not. Sometimes it happens on a fresh scene, sometimes old. Sometimes happens 2 mins after loading file, sometimes 2 hours after loading 3ds max file.
I get the usual max error asking if I'd like to save a backup.
My only hunch is that out-of-core textures is causing this. (I had major issues with this back in C9 dailies). I say this as I see the material preview loading and get buggy when the crash happens, in a very similar way to how the out-of-core bug happened to me previously.
Is anyone else experencing similar issues with material preview loading causing crashes?
Is there any way to disable out-of-core textures (I don't want this feature anyway).
(apologies for not sharing bug report/scene - will try to do this asap).