Author Topic: Unable to import Cryptomatte  (Read 708 times)

2022-12-13, 17:54:59


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I'm having major issues in being able to import/use Cryptomatte. I'm unable to rename/convert the .cxr file which is instructed on the online guide to an .exr which means I can't load it into Photoshop.

I might be wrong but any time I've renamed a file and changed the extension it just changes the file. However the .cxr file type remains.

Is there like a totally idiot proof guide online to demonstrate this how to work. I am sure I am doing everything correct but it seems like the files just will not change. I don't understand why its so hard lol


2022-12-13, 18:12:10
Reply #1


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Would probably need to see a screen capture video. Only thing I can think of, are you sure Windows Explorer is set to show file extensions in that folder? There is an option to hide file extensions (you'd see "filename" not "filename.exr" in the Name column, and EXR under the Type column), I guess then if you click on the name to enter edit mode and add ".exr" you end up with "filename.exr.cxr" (it would show as "filename.exr" in Name column, but still cxr in Type column) so it would be a cxr still. Make sure also that the folder isn't protected in some way so that you can't edit its contents.

Anyway, if file name extensions are showing so that you see "filename.cxr" you should simply click into the name, and change .cxr to .exr so you end up with "filename.exr". With it being that straightforward, this is why I wonder if a video wouldn't help so we can see what is going on - there's little else we can explain or idiot proof in that, it is so simple!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-12-13, 18:33:32
Reply #2


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Ah thank you!

That part worked and I can now change the file name. I'll re-run through the process to see if I can get it work. I've only just come across Cryptomatte (I honestly thought it was just an RGB channel mask....) turns out it sounds like my dream mask element! haha

Thanks again, I'll report back if I have any further issues.

2022-12-13, 18:36:02
Reply #3


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Glad that helped! There are also some steps over in (you may have seen this already, but just to link the topics together in case).
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2022-12-14, 18:33:15
Reply #4


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Hi Tom, hope you've been having a good day, if you get the chance to reply that would be awesome.

I've followed the steps even from your helpful reply to the other thread and the issue I have is that its only loading the Matte as an RGB.

Any ideas on where else I could be going wrong.

I've added the Element as normal, the matte is on Hierarchy, its saving as .cxr (Corona EXR Format), I then rename the file with the .exr extension, I get a warning from windows, I accept, I then load it into photoshop given the IO Settings you've outlined in the other thread and it still just loads it as a layer called RGB.

Totally stumped!

2022-12-14, 19:17:22
Reply #5


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I would try swapping from Hierarchy in the cryptomatte to Name, see how that goes. That is less dependent on scene set ups.

If that doesn't work, can you share screengrabs of your render elements set up (have to be sure render elements are enabled), save options dialog when you are saving out from Max (you have to be sure that render elements are being included in the save), your EXR-IO settings when importing into PS, and the end result of what you see in the PS layers? A video would also capture all of that in one go if you can use OBS or similar to record the process you are following, then we can see if any of the steps there are done incorrectly. Thanks!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us