Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQIf you are familiar with the daily builds and know how to use them, download the newest one here:
chaos-corona-9-3dsmax-RC1.exeNew- Added contrails to Corona PRG sky
- Added real world scale to Pattern Mod
- Added crash handler to Corona Image Editor
Chaos Scatter- Added new ChaosScatterEdgeTrimming map (under Chaos Scatter category). Can be plugged into opacity slot of model object's material to perform trimming of its whole individual mesh elements (e.g. grass blades in grass patches) for each instance alongside Include/Exclude splines and target object's boundaries - check out the playground thread
- Extreme scatter scenes (in terms of amount of instances) now parse faster. The speed-up is relative to scene complexity
- Renamed Scatter related categories in Command Panel and Material Editors to 'Chaos Scatter'
ChaosScans improvements- VrScans rebranded UI to ChaosScans/CoronaScannedMtl
- Added “Download” button to the material to open the Chaos Scans downloads page
- We can now convert VRayScannedMtl to CoronaScannedMtl and Corona can also directly renderer VRayScannedMtl
- Fixed internal error when license is missing
- Fixed artifacts on the edges of materials with edge displacement
- Fixed paint color map on/off checkbox not working
- Fixed a crash with “37fandango” Chaos Scans material
- Fixed CoronaScannedMtl to get same results as in V-ray
- Blending between light and shadow made smoother, results made more consistent with VRay
- Fixed issue with displaying materials like 210f00prism
- Fixed displaying of error when material is missing information (ceramic_brown_matte_e)
- Clear coat map is plugged in
Fixes- Fixed: Viewport - "Show Realistic Materials with Maps" displays incorrectly with Corona v9 DBs [REGRESSION]
- Fixed invalid rotation matrix in FishEye camera that was causing NANs
- Fixed: Multiloaders do not work with Sky model, Material library or Optix
- Fixed rare asserts in ImageTexture when it is removed while loading
- Fixed: crashes caused by changes in scheduler
- Fixed recursive deletion of the texture cache folder - when it was D:/ it started deleting it
- Fix of combination of IR and checking tone mapping checkbox override not restarting IR
- Fixed: Loading motionblur curve into tonemapping color curve editor causes CTD
- Fixed: Tone Mapping - Reset All Curves crashes 3dsMax
- Fixed: CIE crashes opening attached CXR file
- Fixed loading of legacy tone mapping configuration that contain curves operator [REGRESSION]
- Also presets and CXRs that could not load properly
- Various minor UI tweaks
- Split pattern UI into multiple tabs
- Updated binary of Chaos Cosmos Service bundled in our installer
« Last Edit: 2022-09-30, 20:15:31 by maru »
