Ok, here comes a better (I hope) comparison.
PT+PT, 16 samples
LSM: 1
MSI: 0 (otherwise self-illumination got killed)
filtering turned off (otherwise gradient map got really ugly)
16 passes
-self-illumination of CoronaMtl is pretty useless in this situation (this is probably why you have a warning there)
-40x40 lights and 40x40 planes with CoronaLightMtl give virtually the same results, even fireflies are in exactly same pattern, noise caused by GI looks slightly different but is equally strong
-there are visual differences between:
1 big textured corona light vs 1 big textured coronalightmtl plane
1 big textured corona light vs 40x40 corona lights
1 big textured corona light vs 40x40 coronalightmtl planes
1 big textured coronalightmtl plane vs 40x40 corona lights
1 big textured coronalightmtl plane vs 40x40 coronalightmtl planes with no texture
Which is kind of strange but might be caused by some kind of mistake of mine.