I have some questions and some comments about corona converter :
01. Chaos Cosmos assets using only .tx textures. The only benefit of this format is mipmapping. Does corona renderer support this internal mipmap instructions or it is currently used in "read only" mode ?
If corona have some internal benefits using .tx textures, it will be great to have the option in converter to convert classic jpg/png/tiffs to tx format. If not, then it will be great to have the option to convert tx textures back to common jpg file format.
02. It seems that corona converter does not currently support VraySwitchMaterial... It is very sad, because a lot of things are made with this function (especially product scenes, where you need fast look switch). It would be really great to have it, especially because corona has own beautiful CoronaSelectMaterial... (please look at coronaConverter-00.jpg)
03. If I want to get some help and I click on "performance and debugging FAQ", then -> whoops, the page does not exists (please look at coronaConverter-01.jpg and coronaConverter-02.jpg)
Thanks in advance