I've recently came across with some weird problem with shadowcatcher.
I have a studio scene with plane + few lights and while rendering in the alpha channel there's visible line on a certain height. Unfortunately it's also visible in the beauty pass in shadow area. I can't figure out what's the cause of it.
I tried to:
- change GI settings to different variations
- turn on/off adaptive light solver/lock sampling pattern/displacement/occlude other lights (in all lights)
There's no hdri light in the scene, only planes.
Right now I'm using recent daily build version but I tried that with some previous builds (stable ones) and it's the same.
Edit: Uh.. just after I wrote this topic I found what the problem was. It was one of the lights in the scene. It was single sided and that line was border of the light. The solution was to tick the "Emit on both sides" option.. So just in case someone will face similar problem that's the way to fix that.