Corona plugin isn't fully ported yet to natively work on M1 processors, but you can still run it using Rosetta.
First, please install latest daily build of Corona v7 if you don't have it already.
Then, you need to make sure Rosetta 2 is installed. You should be asked to install it any time you try to open any application that is compiled for Intel processors, so there is a good chance you already have it on your system. The quickest way to check it is to try to open Corona Image Editor - it should either open directly, meaning you already have Rosetta installed, or ask you to install Rosetta.
Afterwards, you can just switch your Cinema 4D to start using Rosetta so it can load Corona plugin. To do this, find Cinema 4D in you Applications folder, right click (or ctrl+click) its icon, select "Get Info" and check "Open using Rosetta". After this you should be able to open Cinema 4D as usual and Corona should load normally.
We realize this is not perfect and we are already investigating native support of M1 processors.