Author Topic: one sampling pattern might not be enough  (Read 9561 times)

2020-08-05, 15:24:57


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Hi there

I am currently writing our own farm distributing system. The goal is to distribute full images but each with a fraction of passes. If I need 100 passes for an image to look clean, 10 passes on 10 computers will do the work a lot faster. It is similar to coronaDR, however I want those slaves to be independend and controllable by a manager and not by a fixed list or "searching for new slaves during render" thing. Also as an advantage, I can control the image merging my self - leaving out failed images from blades automatically and still having a correct final output. To merge the images together I use something similar to this:
- however I do it with imagemagick automatically at render end. I quickly found out that the images look a lot cleaner if the noise pattern changed on every blade. This might not be 100% physically accurate, but looks way better.

So my thoughts are currently that it might be nice to change the sampling pattern during a rendering locally, blending the images together on the fly to get rid of fireflys and hard to render bokeh balls - build into corona.


2020-08-05, 15:32:01
Reply #1


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Sorry, but I really did not understand what exactly you mean here. You can affect the sampling patter by using:
- "Lock sampling pattern" option in the Performance tab
- Changing the random sampler in the devel/debug rollout (

Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2020-08-05, 15:37:47
Reply #2


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Yeah, I can change it for every rendering I do. but I want the sampling pattern and random seed to be changed during rendering. When I send Images to the farm with my solution it also disables the lock sampling pattern. I get back some images with different sampling patterns. when I combine them using "mean" or "median" I get a cleaner image then a locally rendered Image with a lot of passes. I found this to be useful but afaik it is not possible to render the same image locally as the pattern needs to be changed during rendering then.

I can also combine your own two sample images from here:

the only thing that is needed is the same images with different noise seeds. but rendering this locally without saving images after some passes and hit render again would be cool.


« Last Edit: 2020-08-05, 15:50:07 by Phasma »

2020-08-05, 16:24:16
Reply #3


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I think something like this is already happening between each pass, and that's why the image sampling is "random".

If you just blend the passes on top of each other, you ignore some important features:
- pixel weights (that is why some of the pixels will appear as a bright firefly when you render, and that is why, I guess, your experiment has less fireflies and less intensive reflections)
- adaptivity

 I am not a developer though, and spreading bro science is the last thing I would like to do ;) so I will log some more info here once I learn more.

Yep, confirmation from the Corona HQ:
- if you render many images each with random seed and combine them yourself and use mean as the combination method, you should get the same thing as rendering one image - so there is no advantage / no difference
- if you use median, you will most likely get a cleaner image, but some features may disappear (it is a bit like a simple firefly removal method)
Other than that, the pattern is changing during rendering by itself. Otherwise the rendered image would not continue improving.

« Last Edit: 2020-08-05, 16:37:16 by maru »
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2020-08-05, 16:51:02
Reply #4


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thanks a lot for your reply!

what random sampler should i try to get this result?

However, I am not understanding the adaptivity thing. If I render 10x10 passes with adaptivity on, it will still focus the rays to the important locations on every machine. combining them all together would not make the adaptive sampling disapear.

2020-08-05, 16:53:29
Reply #5


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thanks a lot for your reply!

I will try the random sampler, but I am not understanding the adaptivity thing. If I render 10x10 passes with adaptivity on, it will still focus the rays to the important locations on every machine. combining them all together would not make the adaptive sampling disapear.

If you render less than 5 passes, there is no adaptivity whatsoever.
Also, there is a chance that a bright spot will appear after more than 10 passes (let's say 100 or 200) and only then adaptivity will kick in in that area (imagine some tiny bright light). Obviously that's an edge case example.
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2020-08-05, 17:10:26
Reply #6


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I set the adaptive recalc down to just 2 passes and always make sure every blade renders at least 10 passes. I also did some tests and adaptivity is used and is important.

whatever i set as random sampler though. it seems i am not able to get the same results as my mean/median combined images...

you should get the same thing as rendering one image - so there is no advantage / no difference

so I think this is not true :-(

2020-08-05, 18:17:55
Reply #7


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So I did a comparison now:

all random image samplers and mean/average/median merge compared. psycho was nice to watch cleaning up :-)

I used the "New Improved" Image sampler fpor the 10 median images.

I think there is a huge difference and I am still the opinion that this would make sense to have build in.

2020-08-05, 19:19:33
Reply #8


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While your median examples are effective at firefly removal, they are actually a lot worse at DOF noise, compared to single image, rendered at 100 passes. I'm not sure what you're expecting to gain from your requested feature.
I'm not Corona Team member. Everything i say, is my personal opinion only.
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2020-08-05, 21:33:19
Reply #9


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mostly firefly removal and distributed rendering. sometimes dof is better sometimes not that good. however we also dont render with dof that often.

also with some more passes those dof areas would clear up but not those noisy bokeh balls/fireflies
« Last Edit: 2020-08-05, 22:17:02 by Phasma »

2020-08-06, 11:45:05
Reply #10


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Sorry, but if a simple solution like this existed, and if it would bring measurable benefits, it would have been described in scientific papers and I am sure our developers would have known about it already.
It seems that what you are describing is either worse than some other solutions, or is already implemented in a better way.
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2020-08-06, 11:51:48
Reply #11


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here is a more production related test

as I said, I am was mostly after a solution to distribute renderings to a farm. that was because with tiles and strips etc we can not use:
-camera distortion
-screen mapped stuff

but if you look on the first two examples that were rendered with absolutely the same settings, but one was distributed on the farm and merged with median, I think there is not only the distribution advantage. for me it looks less noisy and fireflies are removed.

and yes - it is super simple. and it is not 100% physically correct as it might get rid of stuff like medium bright bokeh balls etc. - but these would be hard to sample anyway - so this might be a solution to get a cleaner image faster with the compromise of giving up some highlight intensities.
« Last Edit: 2020-08-06, 11:55:21 by Phasma »

2020-08-06, 12:37:12
Reply #12


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As a workaround, and only if the scene is static, you could render an animation with each PC rendering a different frame. The noise pattern would change on each frame giving you what you're after. Small overhead from scene data transfer, of course.

2020-08-06, 12:58:01
Reply #13


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that is basically what i am doing. I spawn X jobs rendering the same frame with passlimit = total_passes/X_Jobs. Currently I do this with backburner. a post-render script will make sure that: a) output luminosity and other meta info is saved once the job is done and b) If every job was done for an image - it will call imagemagick to average them all to gether renderelement by renderelement - but only if the luminosity does not differ from the median luminosity of all rendered "passbunches". This makes sure that - if a blade was missing a texture or forest pack was not rendered properly, these passes will not be used for the assembled median image.

with this we can render distributed without missing out nice corona features as we render full images. This also works with a locked sampling pattern, giving the same result as when all passes would render locally (or with corona DR). however as you can see above, if you unlock the sampling pattern within this process you can gain some quality.

If no one is interested in having this happening locally (as an option in corona) without saving and restarting the rendering with a different sampling pattern and do all this manually, we dont need to talk any further here. it was just a suggestion that is super simple and might not be in technical papers, but could be benifitial for more people and not just for us.

2020-08-06, 15:09:39
Reply #14


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I know how hard it can be convincingly requesting, even discussing things like this, especially when it leaves the standard territory of how it should be done or touches any holy grail. But what about turning this in a feature request to improve DR? The alternate merge variant may be something worth at least to be checked, cannot judge this. Additionally it looks that this is one of your main issues as reason to look for alternatives:

It is similar to coronaDR, however I want those slaves to be independend and controllable by a manager and not by a fixed list or "searching for new slaves during render" thing.

Yes, "search for lan" is a well-intentioned feature to keep things simple but absolutely unusable and impractical for us - never used it because DrServers are running everywhere and permanently. I shortly describe how I "manage" them in a running BB job with activated DR, maybe it adds another aspect for you to consider: every node rendering anything (part of a mandatory prerender script) periodically looks for a script dedicated to the job and executes it if present. In that script I can do many things I like (but not all) during processing: finish the job, dump the VFB to get a snapshot of the current state, change renderer properties, also changing the slave list. But to let the changes of the slave list take effect, you have to disable an re-enable DR again. Unfortunately this kicks out all participating slaves of course. They rejoin, but have to load the complete job once again.

So if the slave list would be periodically evaluated during rendering (and not only when toggling DR on) we would have an important feature for writing managers/custom solutions without the drawback of disconnecting and rejoining slaves.

Edit: Unfortunately in Corona v6, that amazing feature (DR on/off toggling during rendering) has been removed. DR gets less flexible every release to fix bugs it seems.

Good Luck

« Last Edit: 2020-09-16, 18:28:41 by Frood »
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