you guys are working on the 4K Cache optimization. Thank you =) .
As we already know, the DB 21 July is very slow.
Now, I'm making a 1,000 frames fly-through animation (it's a test) using "Try to load + append" every 25 frames, with both UHD Cache and 4K Cache.
It's a simple tunnel with some greeble.
--- UHD Cache: Precision 1 + Animation (flicker free) ---(*) first frame: 30 seconds (you see the first frame in the first attachment)
(*) # 25 frames: 9 seconds
(*) # 50 frames: 10 seconds
The total amount of time for the .uhd file calculation (40 frames = 1,000 frames/25) is 15 minutes.
Everything is ok: the .uhd file is fast to calculate and only the first frame is a bit slow.
--- 4K Cache: Granularity 1 + Quality 1 + Animation (flicker free) ---(*) first frame: 4 minutes 02 seconds (you see the first frame in the second attachment)
(*) # 25 frames: 3 minutes 48 seconds
(*) # 50 frames: 3 minutes 51 seconds
The total amount of time for .4k calculation (40 frames = 1.000 frames/25) is 2 hours and 40 minutes!!!
As we can see, we have two problems:
1°: the 4K Cache is too slow.
2°: why the #25, #50, #75 frames calculation time is the same as in the first frame?
I will expected some kind of "reduction time" in the following frames, such as in the UHD. Or is this 4K Cache behavior normal?
Thank you =)